Date: Wed, May 27, 2015 at 10:46 PM
Subject: Fwd:
To: "*irs. commissioner" <*>, Washington Field <>, Division, Criminal <>, "Doug.Davis" <>, Dennis <>, MollyHale <>, nsapao <>, fsb <>, rbyucaipa <>, khuvane <>, blourd <>, Robert MacMillan <>, a <>, wennermedia <>, Mick Brown <>, "glenn.greenwald" <>, lrohter <>, Harriet Ryan <>, "hailey.branson" <>, "stan.garnett" <>, "" <>, Feedback <>,, "mayor.garcetti" <>,, "Kelly.Sopko" <>
IRS, FBI, and DOJ,
I want Marie Mazur to understand how I feel. She is a spy/operative for Cohen. Just like Susanne Walsh. That's not true for the Criminal Stalker. He's an unofficial lawyer for Cohen and argues his legal issues while engaged in harassment, stalking, slander, intimidation tactics, and threats. All they have on their side are tactics and Cohen's money. That's nothing to boast about from my perspective. And, yes, LA Superior Court and the local government actors in LA Confidential. It's technically a hell realm - filled with liars with motive and sycophants.
All the best,
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kelley Lynch <>
Date: Wed, May 27, 2015 at 10:43 PM
From: Kelley Lynch <>
Date: Wed, May 27, 2015 at 10:43 PM
Your email, which seemed rather calculated, to Robert Kory is now before the Court. Yes, I sent out a Press Release as I am entitled to do. Leonard Cohen is not even a U.S. citizen but feels comfortable perjuring himself and using abusive litigation tactics. I have addressed that with the Court so this is not confidential information. You're right. You haven't heard from me in a while and won't. I know how important it is for you to remain Cohen's fan and have access to him while lying about and slandering me. It doesn't matter that my sons' lives were destroyed. It doesn't matter that Cohen stole from me and withheld commissions. The truth doesn't matter, Marie, and I am clear about that. I am also clear about this - that is your problem. Not mine. I've always had disdain for reflected glory. It must feel important to be able to contact Leonard Cohen's lawyers. I refuse to communicate with them so we're very different types of people. They lie for a living. Feel free to quote me. I will address their tactics, and Cohen's, in the federal RICO lawsuit I am filing.
Your email, which seemed rather calculated, to Robert Kory is now before the Court. Yes, I sent out a Press Release as I am entitled to do. Leonard Cohen is not even a U.S. citizen but feels comfortable perjuring himself and using abusive litigation tactics. I have addressed that with the Court so this is not confidential information. You're right. You haven't heard from me in a while and won't. I know how important it is for you to remain Cohen's fan and have access to him while lying about and slandering me. It doesn't matter that my sons' lives were destroyed. It doesn't matter that Cohen stole from me and withheld commissions. The truth doesn't matter, Marie, and I am clear about that. I am also clear about this - that is your problem. Not mine. I've always had disdain for reflected glory. It must feel important to be able to contact Leonard Cohen's lawyers. I refuse to communicate with them so we're very different types of people. They lie for a living. Feel free to quote me. I will address their tactics, and Cohen's, in the federal RICO lawsuit I am filing.
I've enclosed an email I sent you previously regarding your slander. I know it doesn't interest you. Conning me into assuming you were a decent person previously interested you but now I'm clear. I didn't say Cohen was in CIA's MKULTRA program. He did. Will the IRS prosecute Cohen for criminal tax fraud? That's not my place to say. It's not Cohen's either.
For the record, I was never Cohen's lover, do not want to attend his concert, and he refuses to provide me with IRS required tax information. LAPD's report does clearly state that my alleged emails were generally requests for tax information. Cohen has taken the position that LAPD's TMU lies. That's now his problem - and possibly theirs. The IRS will be on the witness stand about IRS required tax information - not Leonard Cohen, Robert Kory, Michelle Rice. Cohen even hired my son's father's custody lawyer to represent him now. That man destroyed my son's life. Cohen, from my perspective, is a shameless hustler and chronic liar who cannot control himself. All he has is money and tactics. And that's all he'll ever have. Sorry to disappoint you.
Kelley Lynch
From: Kelley Lynch <>
Date: Mon, Feb 1, 2010 at 5:23 AM
Subject: Article "Academy Announces Special Merit Awards Honorees"
To:, "*irs. commissioner" <*>, ASKDOJ <>, Washington Field <>,, Dennis <>,, Robert MacMillan <>,,,
Web Heights,
Date: Mon, Feb 1, 2010 at 5:23 AM
Subject: Article "Academy Announces Special Merit Awards Honorees"
To:, "*irs. commissioner" <*>, ASKDOJ <>, Washington Field <>,, Dennis <>,, Robert MacMillan <>,,,
Web Heights,
I am writing to address your article below. It contains slanderous remarks about me. I did not steal from Leonard Cohen. I reported allegations that he committed criminal tax fraud to the IRS. The IRS, DOJ, FBI, Agent Sopko/Treasury, and others are copied in on this email. This week I will be mailing the IRS Commissioner's Staff a 1099-MISC for the entire "default judgment" amount. Cohen has steadfastly refused to undertake a complete and proper forensic accounting and is not shifting his "liability" to me. He should have thought about this when demanding stock deals. His disdain for ordinary income taxes and gift taxes is at the heart of his present problems. He publicly noted, for Brian Johnson/MacLean's article, in 2005 that he was not accusing me of theft and spoke about the "massive tax hit" he was facing. That, to me, is his motive. Steven Clark Lindsey was quoted in that article and a custody matter was coordinated. Robert Kory's Declaration was submitted in that matter. He apparently did not like the fact that my son and I stopped by unannounced.
For the record, I am suing Leonard Cohen, and others, for slander. You have been notified. Cohen was originally going to tour and say Greenberg and Westin caused his problems. I suppose some type of agreement was made between Cohen, Westin and Greenberg. That probably relates to their companion lawsuits in Los Angeles, California and Denver, Colorado. I have asked the IRS and others to investigate that. I have also asked the IRS to undertake the complete and proper forensic accounting. Cohen's gone to extraordinary lengths in his attempts to silence me. In fact, his fan Susanne Walsh has acknowledged following me around the internet for a year. There is apparently a coordinated campaign to maliciously gossip about me and slander me underway. Walsh does not have the evidence I've provided the IRS Commissioner's Staff and others. My son was threatened over that evidence. Leonard Cohen is apparently a deranged maniac. I have no idea who Kelly Green, Sydney, Susanne Walsh and others are. I know Gianelli-Blogonaut, who also has a slanderous piece about me on his Blog (and wrote my minor son, targeted my older son, sister, brother-in-law, ex-husband, etc.), has communicated with Cohen's legal representatives. He has also communicated with Phil Spector's prosecutor Alan Jackson. He's contacted the Treasury and FBI to determine whether or not I am spamming Agent Kelly Sopko/Treasury who is copied in on this email. He's contacted Bruce Cutler. He apparently wanted to discuss whether or not Bruce Cutler represents Phil Spector. He contacted Investigator William Frayeh/DA's office. He apparently wanted to know if Investigator Frayeh made an off-the-cuff remark that Spector prosecutor Pat Dixon was good looking. Gianelli-Blogonaut has contacted Steven Clark Lindsey. That is my minor son's father. He wrote his lawyer about me
I think Cohen's "undeterred." He doesn't mind his fans and supporters attacking me publicly on the internet. He apparently thinks this is a game the IRS, FBI, DOJ, Treasury and others are playing. That's quite astonishing. Robert Kory was afraid, according to my lawyers, to request Traditional Holdings, LLC tax returns from the IRS. He apparently didn't want to raise any inquiries. I was told Cohen committed criminal tax fraud. I was told the penalties and interest were in the vicinity of $30 million as of 2004. I know Robert Kory filed a declaration in my son's custody matter. I know Neal Greenberg raised this in his lawsuit against Cohen: that Cohen, Kory, Lindsey, Superfon conspired to have me falsely arrested on May 25, 2005. That's the day a SWAT team descended. I was ultimately dragged to Killer King and questioned about Phil Spector. Rutger, at the same time, was asked to go in and sign over/transfer/sell my house to Cohen/Kory - by Lindsey. The custody matter was coordinated. The entire Killer King file is falsified. Cohen, amazingly enough, appeared in the Phil Spector murder trial. How? In the prosecution's motion in limine. That's incredible. He told the detectives I met that his comments regarding Phil Spector were good rock 'n roll comments. Have you ever seen his interviews, such as the BBC Radio Interview, where he talks about biting into revolvers in hamburgers. He has embellished his comments about Phil Spector over the years. Clearly these are "rock 'n roll" stories meant to advance Cohen's career.
For the record, I have stolen nothing from Cohen. I have asked the IRS Commissioner's Staff for their opinion on Cohen's fraudulent lawsuit, bogus accounting, and the "default judgment." Cohen's not shifting any burden onto me. His attempts to silence me are outrageous. He has targeted my family. One can safely assume he's desperate. I refused to accept his offer, made by Kory in front of my accountant and others, of 50% community property. Cohen and Kory went into my son's father's office and told him I had sex with Oliver Stone and others. That is a bald-faced lie. I have asked the IRS and FBI to accompany me to court. I want them to review Cohen's lawsuit and my son's custody matter. I have asked them to investigate the coordinated campaign on the internet. I want to know what Cohen's connection is to Green, Sydney, Walsh, Gianelli-Blogonaut, and others. They're all over this matter and it clearly relates to Phil Spector, Cohen's tax fraud, and me.
Kelley Lynch
cc: IRS, FBI, DOJ, Agent Sopko/Treasury and Dennis Riordan, Esquire
June 2, 2009
At age 72 music legend Leonard Cohen was on the verge of enjoying a comfortable retirement funded by what he thought was a generous nest egg, only to find out that what he assumed was a retirement account balance of some $9 million had dwindled to a sum less than a hundred thousand dollars.
At age 72 music legend Leonard Cohen was on the verge of enjoying a comfortable retirement funded by what he thought was a generous nest egg, only to find out that what he assumed was a retirement account balance of some $9 million had dwindled to a sum less than a hundred thousand dollars.
Kelley Lynch
Will IRS prosecute singer-songwriter Leonard Cohen for criminal tax fraud?
Was Leonard Cohen a participant in CIA’s MKULTRA program?
On June 23, 2015, in Department 24 of Los Angeles Superior Court, Judge Robert Hess will determine whether or not he will vacate singer songwriter Leonard Cohen’s default judgment against his former personal manager, Kelley Lynch, and refer Cohen together with his lawyers, Robert Kory and Michelle Rice, to the appropriate authorities for perjury prosecutions and disciplinary actions. Judge Hess will, of course, be acting without personal jurisdiction over Kelley Lynch as she was never served Leonard Cohen’s legal complaint or summons.
Los Angeles Superior Court
Stanley Mosk Courthouse
111 N. Hill Street
Department 24
Los Angeles, California 90012
Hearing: 8:30 AM
The details of the salacious story involving Leonard Cohen, his former personal manager, allegations of criminal tax fraud, and Cohen’s three versions of his famous Phil Spector gun incident now before LA Superior Court can be found at
In addition, Kelley Lynch was actually prosecuted for, among other things, annoying Leonard Cohen by addressing the fact that he falsely accused her of having sex with Oliver Stone to stir up a custody matter (that was successful although essentially a default judgment); explaining to journalist Glenn Greenwald (the Intercept) that Cohen exposed himself to Lynch and routinely sexually harassed her; repeating what Mick Brown (UK Telegraph) advised her – that Cohen’s statements/testimony were presented to Phil Spector’s Grand Jury; requesting IRS tax and corporate information that Cohen is required to provide her; and violating a fraudulent restraining order (primarily used to discredit and silence Lynch) that the Court repeatedly told her (and Phil Spector’s former personal assistant, Paulette Brandt) had expired in 2009. It was during Kelley Lynch’s 2012 trial for annoying Leonard Cohen that she understood he, former District Attorney Steve Cooley (who prosecuted Phil Spector), and City Attorney Carmen Trutanich had publicly joined forces to target and discredit her. Lynch has now notified Cohen, the City of Los Angeles, and County of Los Angeles that she will be litigating these issues in federal court.
Kelley Lynch, Paulette Brandt, and Ann Diamond’s interviews for Truth Sentinel internet radio program can be found at the following links:
Truth Sentinel Episode 39 (Leonard Cohen, truth, lies, guilt, innocence, law, MK ULTRA)
Truth Sentinel Episode 40 (Phil Spector, truth, lies, guilt and innocence, murder trial)