To the IRS and FBI,
I phoned Detective Viramontes. Sandy took a message. I asked him to
email me a copy of his updated report with my statement. He did not
take a formal statement but we had conversations. Detective
Viramontes/LAPD advised me that he would fax this to Agent Tejeda/IRS
and email it to Agent Sopko/Treasury. I provided him with both
emails, as Sandy and I just discussed, and gave her this email
I asked for a copy of the warrant. Berkeley PD were unclear why they
were arresting me; should have been clear that I understood no order
existed; and after I raised the possibility of the Boulder order, the
warden or someone during processing told me "It was Boulder." Cohen's
fraud and perjury in the Boulder matter was addressed in my Motion to
Vacate (and evidence was attached). My lawyers assured me they were
obtaining copies of that. I will send Francisco a copy of my draft
Declaration and Motion to Vacate Cohen's lawsuit here. Gianelli
posted the complaint and legal documents in April 2010 which was the
first time I was able to read them. The proof of service is
fraudulent. I did not have a female co-habitant. Gianelli, who has
posted about the unverified warrants and the one that was dismissed
which I don't know relates to me, then threatened me over that Motion,
advised me that he contacted LAPD and S&MPD.
Finally, Sandy took this part of my message - did Detective
Viramontes/LAPD, when reviewing the alleged emails (no one proved I
sent them; no IP address established; and I advised her that he had
Cohen's email address - listed as mine) - see my
complaints to LAPD about the conduct (that I view as criminal) with
respect to Stephen "Jihad" Gianelli and other dangerously unstable
lunatics who viciously and relentlessly targeted my children -
including my son who was a mionr at the time?
All the best,
Detective Viramontes
Threat Management
100 W. First Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012