From: Kelley Lynch <>
Date: Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 12:21 PM
Subject: Gianelli On The IRS
To: Dennis <>, "*irs. commissioner" <*>, Washington Field <>, ASKDOJ <>, "Kelly.Sopko" <>, "Doug.Davis" <>, "Francisco.A.Suarez" <>
To the IRS Commissioner's Staff,
Date: Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 12:21 PM
Subject: Gianelli On The IRS
To: Dennis <>, "*irs. commissioner" <*>, Washington Field <>, ASKDOJ <>, "Kelly.Sopko" <>, "Doug.Davis" <>, "Francisco.A.Suarez" <>
To the IRS Commissioner's Staff,
Stephen Gianelli is now interpreting IRS code. Leonard Cohen's fan, who also targeted me relentlessly and slandered me, has also weighed in.
All the best,
- Susanne Walsh said...
- Leonard Cohen has never tried to hide that he has used legal and illegal drugs, that he drank too muchLeonard Cohen's fan, who has slandered me relentlessly, has decided to weigh in. She is an operative of Cohen's and a pal of Gianelli's. Leonard Cohen testified that I assailed his reputation when I spoke of his illegal and legal drug abuse. When you testify in this manner, you are essentially saying that your own conduct was used to annoy you which is factually absurd - and a bald-faced lie. Leonard Cohen's conduct, while on alcohol, was embarrassing. In any event, he didn't mind sharing his interest in meth/speed with Sylvie Simmons who wrote a book. This was a crucial issues for prosecutor Sandra Jo Streeter. It was and remains an outrage.that he was promiscious, that he is a Jew, but a spiritual buddhist,I think everyone's aware that Cohen was prosmicuous but he and I were not in an intimate dating relationship at any moment in time and his testimony that we were - while perjured (and he confessed to lying over this issue) is beyond my ability to comprehend. Leonard Cohen testified that he is a Jew. He was not a Jew when I knew him. He was a self-proclaimed Buddhist although his conduct, actions, and words belie that fraudulent assertion. Destroying someone and being consumed with hatred and vengeance is not a Buddhist religious belief.that he most of his life suffered from depression and yes that he did own gunsYes, Leonard Cohen had a devotion to armaments. In fact, Marty Machat had to disarm him when he was walking around NYC with a gun. The situation with Leonard Cohen and his highly embellished good rock and roll stories about Phil Spector remains unconscionable - including his testimony at my trial. Of course, it was really Mick Brown/UK Telegraph that annoyed Leonard Cohen. He and the prosecutor simply decided to lie about me.
DELETED BALANCE OF POST. IRRELEVANT.March 26, 2013 at 8:00 AM Blogonaut said...
- I used to own a Walter PPK .380. Beautiful gun but “silent” it was not. Not especially “deadly” either, since to kill something you have to hit it first.
Phil Spector did not kill Lana Clarkson. She shot herself and the forensic science supports this. Who could wear a white dinner jacket and not be covered in gun residue, blood spatter, and tissue if they shot the individual? It would be on the jacket, in their hair, on their shoes, etc. The fact that the jury convicted is inconceivable. Of course, the salacious and scanadous so-called testimony of gold diggers, disgruntled ex-employees or liars, probably is what actually resulted in the conviction.March 26, 2013 at 8:16 AM Blogonaut said...
- I always know when a comment has hit a nerve with lynch – it spawns a fully of IRS emails from Lynch – as did my second to last comment. Ms. Lynch, the IRS is not reading ANY of your wacky emails, such is this one, republished on your blog:
Gianelli actually thinks he knows me? I wonder what he IRS Commissioner's Staff thinks would hit a nerve re. Gianelli. Perhaps arresting him for criminal witness tampering, criminal witness intimidation, harassment, transmitting fraudullent information to the IRS, etc. might do the trick.
“I would like the IRS to review the entire trial transcript and file. Of course, someone with a badge and a gun might have to seize it because the PD's office refuses to provide me with my complete file and Mike Kelly LIED to Joel Lofton when he told me he gave me my file. I wonder why Kelly wanted to call Rutger to testify about SWAT? We discussed putting him on the stand to impeach Cohen's LIES about Rutger's Whole Foods matter. Something's seriously wrong here and demands an investigation. I would like the IRS to speak to my trial lawyers personally and I will waive attorney client privilege for that specific purpose but first I want to hear the IRS views on the IRS binder - which is not a product of my imagination, the IRS testimony elicited by Streeter, and my trial lawyers conversations with Agent Tejeda/IRS and why there is a phone number for the DOJ's attorneys in my notes.”
The Internal Revenue Service has a well defined preview and is limited to the general powers granted it by Congress in 7801 of the Internal Revenue Code.
The Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service operates under the authority provided by 26 U.S.C. § 7803. His or her powers are described as “administer, manage, conduct, direct, and supervise the execution and application of the internal revenue laws or related statutes and tax conventions to which the United States is a party”.
There is no internal revenue law giving the IRS jurisdiction to review the transcripts of state court trial proceedings, let alone at the request of a private citizen, let alone to determine “Mike Kelly LIED to Joel Lofton when he told me he gave me my file” or if “Kelly wanted to call Rutger to testify about SWAT” “Cohen's LIES about Rutger's Whole Foods matter”.
Well, my lawyer (and other lawyers have been clear), my trial was nothing other than an IRS case that demands an investigation. The only court that can hear an IRS matter re. taxes due is the Tax Court. Beyond that, a district court. And yet, the testimony is filled with federal tax matters - related to the IRS required 1099 for 2004 that Cohen refuses to provide me with, the illegal K-1s Cohen refuses to rescind, etc. Essentially my trial was an attempt to obstruct justice and clearly intended to sabotage the IRS and undermine my credibility.
There is no internal revenue law giving the IRS jurisdiction to review a evidentiary “binder” allegedly in the possession of your FORMER state court prosecutor.
I think the IRS can review the content of the IRS binder - it contains IRS documents and relates to the fraudulent refund that the IRS just advised me to file fraud form 3949a over. Leonard Cohen fraudulently obtained a refund based on lies, fraud, concealment, and perjury. The IRS has the evidence and Cohen was advised that the IRS could view him as engaging in self-dealing with respect to these corporations. He continues to maintain that he is the alter ego, engaged in self-dealing, and feels entitled to raid corporate assets and use them as his personal assets.
Nor is there any internal revenue laws giving the IRS authority to act as an opinion service to private persons, even important people like Kelley Lynch, opinions on such matters.
The IRS most certainly does give citizens opinons.
As one would expect, the IRS deals with "revenue" collection and the criminal and civil enforcement of the TAX LAWS - not misdomeanor harassment procedings.
Stephen Gianelli is a true lunatic.
Nor would it occur to a sane person that any of the above could possibly be true. These posts establish, Ms. Lynch that you are badly in need of psychiatric intervention.
It is not the existence of certain external stimuli (e.g., Streeter’s trial binder) that are a “figment of your imagination”. It is rather the inappropriate inferences that you draw from these things that are in fact the product of your disturbed mind.
Sandra Jo Streeter lied about the IRS, federal tax matters, and concealed information in the IRS binder (she handed my lawyers on April 9th although, according to the attorney notes from my file) she had met with Kory two weeks prior over that matter.March 26, 2013 at 8:47 AM Blogonaut said...
- This email, and dozens like it that now flood the inbox of the PD supervisor of Kelley Lynch’s criminal defense team is the coup de grâce to any vestige of credibility Lynch had with Mr. Lotton. Wait, what am I saying? WHAT credibility?
Stephen Gianelli's obsession with the IRS and Leonard Cohen's tax fraud matter is truly astounding. It warrants questions about his MOTIVE.
“To the IRS Commissioner's Staff,
“I would like a formal IRS matter on state courts interferring with IRS matters. Judge Enichen's order evidently prohibited from requesting the IRS required 1099 for 2004 that Leonard Cohen has NOT provided me with, demanding that Cohen rescind the illegal K-1s, etc.
All the best,
CC: Joel Lofton
March 26, 2013 at 9:14 AM Blogonaut said...
- Kelley Lynch has now accused two of her former public defenders of “violating the attorney client privilege” by speaking to me.
No. I've repeated the public allegations that Gianelli said one of my trial lawyers spoke to him. I've asked both PD trial lawyers to formally withdraw - on the record - as my trial lawyers.
All of this is so “shocking” to her. She just cannot see a nexus between copying me with hundreds of email strings between her and her public defenders, my reply to those email strings, and a follow up phone call from that office.
I did not waive attorney/client privilege and this situation is a legal outrage. In fact, it shocked the PD supervisor who I have again written to.
Kelley, the more wacky emails you copy to Joel Lofton the less seriously your assertions will be taken.
I've personally spoken to Joel Lofton about the situation. He also thinks my trial was a waste of taxpayer dollars.
Kelley, Mike Kelley (and now Joel Lofton) well aware that you are two cards short of a deck.
Mike Kelly must be concerned about something.
The more people you share your wacky IRS emails with, the more people will be aware that you are a loon.
That's not what people are saying privately in our email and telephone communications.
You have done more to kill your own credibility than a thousand imaginary Cohen "operatives" ever could.
Bald faced lie by a stark raving lunatic and dangerously unstable individual who is aligned with Leonard Cohen and - according to Investigator Frayeh/DA's office - appears to be a shady character who may have found a sympathetic ear with Spector prosecutor Alan Jackson about me.March 26, 2013 at 9:24 AM