From: Kelley Lynch <>
Date: Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 2:33 PM
Subject: Gianelli Is Threatening Me
To: Dennis <>, "*irs. commissioner" <*>, Washington Field <>, ASKDOJ <>, "Kelly.Sopko" <>, "Francisco.A.Suarez" <>
To the IRS and FBI,
Date: Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 2:33 PM
Subject: Gianelli Is Threatening Me
To: Dennis <>, "*irs. commissioner" <*>, Washington Field <>, ASKDOJ <>, "Kelly.Sopko" <>, "Francisco.A.Suarez" <>
To the IRS and FBI,
Would you please review this. Gianelli is now threatening me.
All the best,
Blogonaut said...
- Kelley Lynch has a new email (of three so far today - and it not even 9:00 AM) to the IRS/FBI/DOJ/FTB/Dennis Riordan et al that (as has been her daily pattern for the last 3+ years) she has copied and pasted on her blog under the caption:Gianelli is certainly absolutely obsessed with me. How nice it was to have a conversation today with someone who noted how sick and vile he is
"Stephen Gianelli's Obsession Continues - I Don't Believe A Word This Lunatic Has To Say - He Has Relentlessly Targeted Me Since 2009 And Is Aligned With Leonard Cohen"
1. As for the "obsession" part, initially for banning her from Blogonaut, and shortly thereafter for what Lynch perceived to be my evolving role in the grand conspiracy by Cohen-Lindsay-Rice-Kory-Jackson-Cooley-LAPD, Santa Monica PD, Boulder PD et al to "discredit me and to ruin my life"
Cohen, Kory, Rice, Jackson, Cooley, and Streeter certainly appeared to be in a legal conspiracy, I've already addressed SMPD and Boulder PD and was advised that Cohen's lawyers contacted them so that explains the targeting. That's what David Moorhead felt had gone on as well.
, I started receiving what now exceeds an estimated 15,000 emails addressed to IRS/FBI/DOJ, as well as governors, police chiefs, prosecutors, colleagues, press outlets, national reporters, and others - all calling for my arrest, prosecution and incarceration for a litany of alleged federal crimes. These hateful emails, laced with F-bombs, and that called me names like "faggot" and "bastards" and "NAMBLA member, many written in an apparent state of intoxication, were then republished on one of her many blogs for my mother, sisters, friends, and clients to see every time they Googled my name.
Gianelli has been advised to cease and desist. Gianelli's a pathetic liar. This man doesn't know me and tre is no apparent intoxication. He blamed me for drinking when I used a Spanish keyboard. The man is positively deranged. Gianelli is now concerned about his reputation - after relentlessly targeting me, my sons, elderly parents, sister aned her husband, and many other people for years. My ex-husband, Richard Dallett, advised me that he has NO IDEA what Gianelli's talking about when it comes to him. Perhaps he didn't actually speak to Richard Dallett. I had, after all, given Richard Dallett a head's up about Gianelli and others. Gianelli phoned The Scientist and lied to him about me. This man is out of on control as I just explained to Agent Tejeda/IRS. He is, of course, aligned with Leonard Cohen and this is precisely how Cohen operates.
Gianelli's insane fictional rant doesn't give him the right to target me. I've spoken to my attorney about him and we are addressing the NAMBLA comment. This dangerously unstable stark raving lunatic felt perfectly comfortable targeting my children and luring my minor son into communicating with him.Therefore, not only has Kelley Lynch commanded my undivided attention, I cannot imagine that this is not what she wanted. Either way she now has it. And it is my turn to attempt to send HER (back) to jail where she belongs.What a maniac. The IRS and FBI should arrest this man. Make no mistake about that. He is a terrorist.March 20, 2013 at 10:23 AM Linda said...
Blogonaut said...
- Kelley Lynch, who continues to be her own worst enemy, has given others all of the tools they need to effect her further incarceration and daily provides additional reasons for wanting to take action.I'll speak to my attorney about this latest threat on the part of Gianelli/Blogonaut.
In the short term, she has up to three additional years in jail hanging over her head in connection with the 4-years to go on her probation in Los Angeles should she violate any terms of her probation - which she already has. Her incessant harassing, insulting and harassing emails to her FORMER trial prosecutor Sandra Jo Streeter are not helping her cause nor are her accusations against her trial judge. (I say “former” prosecutor because in view of the threats, Ms. Streeter has now moved into the "victim" column, and has no further involvement with Lynch’s criminal case.)Detective Viramontes/LAPD didn't believe she was threatened and said he would ask her if the IRS and FBI copied in on my emails is the actual threat. Sandra Jo Streeter lied and behaved unconscionably. It's being addressed with the appellate division and that includes the retalation. I just heard from someone who told me this office lies about people and says they were threatened. I forwarded the email to my lawyer and called the individual. Schmitter handles the appeals - not Streeter. I'm looking at Schmitter's Declaration. Why Family Violence is involved is bizarre. I requested a civil harassment order and Cohen perjured himself re. the dating relationship.
In the longer term, the Prins Declaration + financial records proving that KL received $7M in ADDITION to the commission income that she declared on her 1998 through 2004 tax returns (if any) - should she be found by the IRS to have failed to report even $10,000 of this cash in one or more of her returns or to have failed to file a return for one or more years in which she received this substantial income - will (we predict) prove to be much more problematic for the former manager. It could get ugly indeed. Years in a federal prison, not months.I don't owe any money to the IRS, have paid my taxes, and have paid taxes on TH income although Cohen stole the entity via a fraudulent default judgment. I don't think Gianelli can threaten me with federal prison and I think this is an outrage. You can't just falsely accuse people via Form 3949a. It's fraud.
We have a voluntary tax compliance system that relies in part on fear. The chances of getting caught evading taxes may be low, but the IRS wants us all to know that if it comes to their attention that you have omitted income from your 1040s, your prosecution is a certainty. It is a matter of policy that once caught no one gets let off the hook.
I am told it takes 18 to 36 months from initial report (in this case on October 24, 2012) for the Form 38949-A to work its way to the front of the cue and get compared to the tax files in question, but until then there is no one to call or speak to at the IRS and no way to head it off.Perhaps the reason they're copied in on my emails (and, according to Agent Sopko various people at the IRS Commissioner's Staff are reading my emails and handling different aspects of them) is because Leonard Cohen comitted egregious tax fraud, I reported it, provided them with an abundance of evidence, and Cohen retaliated. Gianelli is out of his mind. I called Agent Tejeda/IRS and not to head it off. To report the fact that Gianelli has viciously targeted me since 2009 and now filed a fraudulent form 3949a with the IRS lying about me.
Doctor, lawyer, indian chief, judge, or former business manager - it does not matter. Nobody gets special treatment when unreported income is involved. Especially unreported income spanning multiple tax years that exceeds $1M.My taxes have been paid.
And, since Lynch has already shown all of her cards about her former employer for free, if she does get in trouble with the IRS she has nothing to bargain with.I don't need to bargain with the IRS. I haven't done anything. Agent Sopko, Brandon, and I have discussed my tax payments and the fact that I owe the IRS nothing.
Could not happen to a more malicious and mean spirited individual as far as we are concerned.If the IRS and FBI charge, arrest and prosecute this llunatic it could not happen to a better person. This man has no idea who I am. He's just obsessed. And, obviously has motive.March 20, 2013 at 11:39 AM - Comment deleted
- This comment has been removed by the author.March 20, 2013 at 2:15 PM
Blogonaut said...
- 2. About me being right, Ms. Lynch, simply stated I have been right about everything, connected to your myriad and sordid legal issues and affairs, from predicting your 2012 arrest, prosecution and conviction and jail sentence, to your never getting it together to sue this blog, move to set aside the default J, or sue Leonard Cohen or the LAPD - all of which you constantly threatened to do in thousands of emails over years. I was also right about your communications to various persons being unwelcome (for example, Bruce Cutler, Bill Pavalic, Cpt. Borman, Doug Davis and many others). You scoffed at these pronouncements at the time; "I will believe Bruce Cutler regards me as a stalker when I hear it from him myself" you said - and boy did you ever!
Well, since Gianelli's not enlightened perhaps the arrest was planned. What I intend to do legally with Cohen is not Gianelli's business. It's between me and my attorneys. Gianelli can have Bruce Cutler. I am friend of Phil Spector's and Cutler's conduct is unconsionable. When Pavelic, Bornman and Davis have something ot say to me, they can it to me. I don't listen to liars with motive.
I've heard directly from Phil Spector since that incident with Cutler. Cutler shouldn't lie to the news media about Phillip being his alleged soulmate. In any event, the Grand Jury Legal Adviser instructed me to call Phillip's appellate attorney re. the three versions of Leonard Cohen's highly embellished Phil Spector gun story before LA Superior Court. Well, one (Cohen's fax to Streeter) is being concealed at this moment in time but I'm sitting here with a copy and my appellate attorney, and others, are aware of this exculpatory evidence that proves Cohen perjured himself about Phil Spector or lied to the prosecutor. One or the other. It can't be both. And then there's the OTHER VERSION that Spector prosecutors used against Phillip. That's totally undermined by Cohen's testimony.
Three years later Cutler wrote your prosecutor to say that you had been telephone and email stalking him for years and asked that you be jailed as long as possible.
I guess Phil Spector doesn't have Cutler on a retainer any longer. I am dealing directly with Phil Spector now. Cutler can rot in hell for all I care. Someone just brought up the issue with the City Attorney and this letter of Cutler's. They think the CA was engaged in illegal activity when a psycho-quack who didn't know me wanted me drugged and committed. Evidently, there's something going on with this office and LA re. drugging people and psychiatric exams, celebrities, ,etc. Many people are talking about this privately - including me and my attorneys. I've just advised my appellate attorney that I want to talk to him about Bruce Cutler and the psychotic sentencing memo. Fortunately, people see right through this situation; are reading my blog; contacting me and think Gianelli is vile and sick. I have advised Viramontes/LAPD that this man's criminal harassment re. my family has been outrageous. That includes with respect to my then minor son. Viramontes/LAPD and I also discussed Cohen and SEXUAL HARASSMENT. The CA's office thinks that's just fine. Cohen can expose his PENIS to his female personal manager and that's not a problem in LA Confidential.
I even predicted that you would never get it together to file a writ of habeas corpus in your criminal appeal, that the direct appeal was going nowhere, and (recently) that the Appellate Department would deny your post briefing bid to abandon/dismiss your direct appeal.
Well, I haven't said I'm not filing a Writ. First we're dealing with this abandonment issue, prosecutorial misconduct, etc.
I now predict that one day in about 12 to 24 months you will find yourself charged in federal district court with tax evasion.
I don't owe any taxes so that's impossible.
You will insist on a trial, of course, so you can spin your fanciful conspiracy theories and explain to the jury that this is all an attempt by the LAPD to discredit you to protect Leonard Cohen as a non-existent witness against Phil Spector, as aided by Jackson, Cooley, Rice, Sprocket, Blane, and many others.
Well, I guess Investigator John Thompson/DA's office lied to me when he said I was probably a witness in the Phil Spector matter. People who are reading my blog see right through this situation and understand this about Gianelli - he is a vile and sick man. Cooley and Jackson were a feature of my misdemeanor trial. I thought they might all confesss to their legal conspiracy. I have no idea if LAPD via this intent to annoy attempted to discredit me. Detective Viramontes/LAPD and I just discussed - why wouldn't Cohen simply hand over the inforamation I need? ie. the IRS required 1099 for 20
I predict the jury does not buy it that time either. But it's not like that prediction involves rocket science.
Actually, the IRS should prosecute Cohen. His tax fraud is egregious and the City Attorney's office just tried to blindside the IRS and me. They also appear to have engaged in illegal discovery re. Phil Spector and are concealing exclulpatory evidence. I don't owe taxes but Cohen owes millions and his tax fraud may date back to when he first obtained the green card he abandoned. Steven Machat was clear with my public defenders - he uses corporations to evade paying taxes. He also uses shell companies, etc. His tax fraud follows him around.
March 20, 2013 at 2:17 PM