From: Kelley Lynch <>
Date: Mon, Mar 18, 2013 at 5:26 PM
Subject: Re: Gianelli
To: Washington Field <>, "*irs. commissioner" <*>, ASKDOJ <>, "Kelly.Sopko" <>, "Doug.Davis" <>, Dennis <>
Cc: "Francisco.A.Suarez" <>
Date: Mon, Mar 18, 2013 at 5:26 PM
Subject: Re: Gianelli
To: Washington Field <>, "*irs. commissioner" <*>, ASKDOJ <>, "Kelly.Sopko" <>, "Doug.Davis" <>, Dennis <>
Cc: "Francisco.A.Suarez" <>
Please read Gianelli's insane comments below. These appear on his blog which is dedicated to me and Phil Spector. He hasn't written an article since December 2012. He's simply obsesed with me. He appears to have inside information from the City Attorney's office. He has publicly stated that they have opened an investigation into me. How bizarre. On the taxpayers' dime? They aren't investigating Streeter and her conduct? How positively LA Confidential. Also read Gianelli's remarks about his fraudulent accusations to the IRS about me, transmitted by an IRS form. Transmitting fraud to the IRS is criminal conduct. I would like to speak to you about this situation. Gianelli is publicly stating that he offered to speak to you. Is a lawyer that I don't know permitted to contact my appellate attorney during my appeal? That seems outrageous.
All the best,
P.S. This lunatic contacted Agent Sopko because he wanted to know if I was spamming her. He then trashed her and referred to her publicly as my federal pet. Now he's name dropping her. This man and his criminal harassment with respect to me is totally out of control.
On Mon, Mar 18, 2013 at 5:04 PM, Kelley Lynch <> wrote:
To the FBI,This stark raving lunatic is way out there now. No takers re. Gianelli's offer - whatever that might be. Please read Gianelli's insanity about my tax returns, theft loss, lies about Cohen's compensating me with IP as being an oral agreement; etc. This man's obsession with me and IRS tax matters shocks the conscience. He's defending Streeter. Well, this is being addressed with the Appellate Division. If Sandra Jo Streeter wants to retaliate then I want to address it with a court. I've had enough of this woman's lies. Gianelli simply lied to the IRS about me and thinks that is acceptable. I think it's criminal. He has no idea what taxes I have paid and I embezzled nothing. Leonard Cohen is a liar and thief. Gianelli is calling Cohen's three versions of the Phil Spector gun story before LA Superior Court alleged. There's nothing alleged. Two of them must be perjured, as people are noting.All the best,KelleyWith respect to the federal employees/agencies mentioned, this offer was first extended in June of 2009 by speaking to Agent Sopko personally, by message for Agent Tejeda, and by email (with a subsequently received receipt) to the Washington Field Office of the FBI.To date there have been no takers.
Blogonaut said...
Lynch continues her incessant blogging and emailing about her former prosecutor Sandra Jo Streeter and alleged inconsistencies in Leonard Cohen's descriptions over the last 30 years of the incident where Phil Sector pointed a gun at him during a late 1970's recording session.My appellate attorney asked me to prepare a document detailing Streetér's misconduct; willful concealment of exculpatory evidence; lies; attempts to elicit perjured testimony, etc. I have a right to respond to the appellate division and to put documents on my Blog. The inconsistencies in Leonard Cohen's highly embellished stories about Phil Spector are not alleged. Leonard Cohen testified that Phil Spector held a gun to his HEAD. He emailed the prosecutor (who concealed this email) on April 5, 2012 - during the trial - that Phil Spector held a gun to his NECK. The prosecutors in Phil Spector's trial used a version of Cohen's gun story that involves a gun held to the CHEST.
None of this, of course, has anything to do with her conviction of criminal harassment and 18 month jail sentence.It has everything to do with the the City Attorney's absolutely Stalinesque Leonard Cohen Intent to Annoy Show Trial. It is an all out attempt to sabotage the IRS; discredit me; and appears to involve some form of illegal discovery regarding Phil Spector.But even if it did, that would be a reason to raise these issues as grounds for a new trial, NOT as grounds to dismiss her own pending appeal from the conviction – which makes no sense at all.Francisco Suarez and I are attempting to have this appeal abandoned. It makes sense. The City Attorney's office continues to lie about me (see Respondent's Brief) and I do not believe the Appellate Division has the right to force me to engage in this ongoing outrageous governmental conduct.
Of course, her obsession with Sandra Jo Streeter continues, even though her role in Ms. Lynch's criminal prosecution ended months ago.I am not obsessed with Streeter, could care less about her, and have a right to address her prosecutorial misconduct, etc. If she doesn't like that - too damn bad. This woman had no qualms going into court and lying about, distorting facts, misstating facts, misleading the jurors, lying about IRS tax matters, concealing exculpatory evidence, and generally behaving in an outrageous and unacceptable manner. My trial lawyer was clear - she attempted to sabotage the IRS and the DA doesn't want the Phil Spector verdict overturned.
And now she has started in on the trial judge.People are wondering why Vanderet did not permit to put on a defense and refused to wait two hours for Agent Tejeda/IRS, etc . It is outrageous and this man lied about me during sentencing.
We have no doubt that she will soon be accusing the judges of the Los Angeles Appellate Department of corruption.I am attempting to abandon my appeal. I don't want to meet or see any judge on the Los Angeles Appellate Division. If they like LA Confidential, that's their problem.
As if prosecutors and judges in Los Angeles County care that much about her sordid little misdemeanor conviction....The Los Angeles District Attorney himself had his investigator in the courtroom during my trial - hanging out and lunching with Leonard Cohen on the taxpayers' dime. The DA and Spector prosecutor Alan Jackson were a central feature of my trial although my lawyers (and others) could not figure out why. It is interesting that such powerful figures would have such an uncanny interest in a misdemeanor matter.
In the meantime, a violence prevention unit of the City Attorney’s Office has been in touch with Lynch (the so called “retaliation” she speaks of).No violence protection unit has been in touch with me. I called Detective Viramontes/LAPD and asked him, at one point, this question: do you think Sandra Jo Streeter has psychiatric problems?
NEWS FLASH: If you violate a Protective Order you are going to be prosecuted; If you send inappropriate and threatening communications to your former prosecutor after you are convicted and released from jail you can expect someone to look into that.
I never sent Streeter anything threatening but this liar doesn't know when to quit. That's why Francisco Suarez is filing a motion/writ again requesting that the Appellate Division ABANDON this appeal. LA Confidential retaliates.
Lynch’s continuing inability to anticipate the ordinary and expected consequences of her own behavior is of course more evidence that she has severe psychiatric problems in need of inpatient care.Gianelli always falls back on this lamb and false accusation. I have advised the IRS, FBI, DOJ, Treasury, and FTB that I believe this man should be arrested for his conduct with respect to me - which includes, from my perspective, criminal witness tampering, criminal witness intimdation, stalking, harassment, an attempt to obstruct justice, etc. And then there's the targeting of my children, elderly parents, etc. I just asked Agent Tejeda/IRS if he would like to have his family targeted. He ought to give that some serious thought.March 18, 2013 at 1:35 PMBlogonaut said...
Ms. Lynch,This psycho-path actualliy thinks he is writing me.
As you well know, I have advised the IRS, Agent Tejeda, Agent Sopko, the Washington Field Office of the FBI, and your attorney Francisco Suarez that if anyone cares to phone me I would be happy to answer any and all questions about your many allegations against me.If the IRS, Agent Tejeda, Agent Sopko, or the Washington Field Office want to talk to Gianelli, that's their problem. I have spoken to Francisco Suarez about this stark raving lunatic and dangerously unstable lunatic who is obsessed with me. Perhaps the IRS Commissioner's Staff should question Gianelli over his fraudulent form 3949a falsely accusing me of not paying taxes. After all, transmitting fraudulent documents to the IRS is criminal and this man has no idea about my taxes, tax returns, or tax payments I've made. This man does not know me and this is not public information. He just decided to lie and retaliate against me after targeting me since 2009.
With respect to the federal employees/agencies mentioned, this offer was first extended in June of 2009 by speaking to Agent Sopko personally, by message for Agent Tejeda, and by email (with a subsequently received receipt) to the Washington Field Office of the FBI.To date there have been no takers.
How sad? Perhaps Agent Wynar/Oakland FBI can phone Gianelli back and listen to additional lies from this stark raving lunatic with motive. Does Gianelli feel left out because the Treasury, IRS, and Washington Field Office hasn't accepted his psychotic offer. This man has NOTHING whatsoever to do with Cohen's criminal tax fraud matter. He is aligned with Cohen but did not know him during the 20 years I did.
It would appear that the only one who believes that I should be “investigated” is you.
The IRS, FBI, DOJ, Treasury, and FTB know how to contact me. I don't think it is appropriate for Gianelli to be threatening me with an investigation on the part of federal agencies since he doesn't represent them and has lied to them about me.Ironically, you are the only one who IS being investigated, this time in respect to your inappropriate and abusive communications to your FORMER prosecutor (the one who secured your conviction and 18-month jail sentence).Investigated? I've spoken to Detective Viramontes/LAPD and attorneys about this situation. It is Sandra Jo Streeter that should be investigated as I've advised the IRS, FBI, DOJ, Treasury, FTB, and Dennis Riordan. Well, Streeter can be investigated by the Appellate Division.March 18, 2013 at 2:30 PMLinda said...
INTENTIONALLY REDACTED LINDA'S RANT.March 18, 2013 at 3:11 PMBlogonaut said...
The Form 3949-A I submitted simply passes on the Prins Declaration including its 90+ pages of attached financial documents. This is not a “fraudulent” information referral. The documents say what they say, and what they say is that you deposited some $7M in cash in ADDITION TO your commission income during the time period 1998 through 2004. This includes somes transferred by you from Cohen's PERSONAL checking account and his FAMILY TRUST as well as royalty checks made out Cohen that you diverted for yourself.Really? Gianelli thinks he can simply lie to the IRS and advise them that I haven't paid my taxes when I have. What a maniac. The document is fraudulent.
My belief that you did not report all of this income on your ’98 through ’04 returns is a logical inference drawn from your past denials that you ever received this money at all coupled with my experience that embezzlers rarely (if ever) report their illegal income to the IRS.I embezzled nothing. Leonard Cohen LIED to the court and said these were overpayments re. my management fees. That is a bald-faced lie, perjury, and fraud. He concealed the corporate books and records and other evidence. Leonard Cohen has stolen millions from me and committed tax fraud, retaliated, etc. A logical inference is not a good enough reason to lie to the IRS about me and my tax returns or tax payments.
Regarding your inconsistent assertion that you have an offsetting “theft loss deduction” for your alleged percentage of Cohen’s intellectual property he “cheated me out of” the failure to pay you an agreed sum that was never in your possession is not a “theft” for purposes of a theft loss deduction.Gianelli will not be giving me legal or tax advice. The IP is in my possession. I have the non-revocable assignments and so does the IRS. This theft loss will be addressed in due course. I haven't failed to pay my taxes in any event. I also have an approximate 500,000 personal theft loss that was documented with LAPD after my son's soccer coach and a Toronto Police Officer witnessed my former house being seriously burglarized and phoned LAPD. The details of this are no one's business but mine and the IRS. I've discussed it with Doug Davis/FTB and Ken Cleveland who just wanted to confirm that I filed a police report. The police immediately came to the house.
Internal Revenue Code section 165 (c) (3) and 1.165-8 (d) defines “theft” for these purposes as criminal acts where a taking is involved, such as larceny, burglary, and robbery. Internal Revenue Ruling 112-72 construed the definition to include ransom payments made in connection with a taxpayer’s son’s kidnapping.Well, the State of Kentucky advised me to put the non-revocable assignments in a safety deposit box. I sent them to the IRS Commissioner's Staff. Cohen believes he can willfully disregard all corporate governance and take the position that he is the alter ego who engaged in self-dealing.
Therefore, your allegation that Cohen failed to honor an oral contract wherein he allegedly agreed to pay to you 15% of the intellectual property he acquired in his lifetime, even after he fired you for theft – even if true – would be at most a breach of contract and not a taking or a “theft loss” under IRC s 165 (c) (3).This is no oral contract. There are corporate books, records, non-revocable assignments, minutes - including language dictated by Cohen, witneses, etc. A breach of contract? See Steven Machat who advised me to sue Cohen for theft. Cohen didn't allegedly agree to compensate me with 15% of all IP dating back to 1967. He compensated with me. It's breach and theft.
As for the “loss” of your greeting card company, your actual out-of-pocket operating losses in connection with that business are probably deductible to some extent at least, but it I am skeptical that those operating losses would even offset a small percentage of the $7M in income OVER AND ABOVE YOUR 15% of the Sony Deal and other legitimate compensation you received in the years 1998 to 2004 as documented in the Prins Declaration.This man is a lunatic. I have lost my management company and my greeting company. I have paid my taxes and the $7 million figure has been challenged - as has the fraudulent default judgment I was never served or notified of. I have asked the IRS Commissioner's Staff to provide the accounting that Cohen refuses to provide. That would include corporate ownership interest, assets, liabilities, equity and which will address Cohen's millions of dollars in loans. They were dangerous to the structure of Traditional Holdings and the IRS could conclude - as I have - that Leonard Cohen is the alter ego that engaged in self-dealing. My business losses are millions but Gianelli doesn't know me. A man who has targeted me relentlessly since 2009 is offering me legal and tax advice - while lying to the IRS about me.
Any CPA or tax attorney can explain this to you, as will the IRS help line.March 18, 2013 at 3:19 PMBlogonaut said...
From your mouth to God's ear.From God's ear to the IRS, FBI, DOJ, Treasury, FTB, and Dennis Riordan.March 18, 2013 at 4:04 PM