Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Kelley Attorney Notes Re. Leonard Cohen's Stalinesque Show Trial, The IRS, Tax Fraud, The Role Of His Lawyers, The City Attorney, Etc.

From: Kelley Lynch <kelley.lynch.2010@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Apr 16, 2013 at 12:58 PM
Subject: Robert Kory - Possibility Of Being Implicated In Criminal Activity
To: "*irs. commissioner" <*IRS.Commissioner@irs.gov>, Washington Field <washington.field@ic.fbi.gov>, ASKDOJ <ASKDOJ@usdoj.gov>, "Kelly.Sopko" <Kelly.Sopko@tigta.treas.gov>, Dennis <Dennis@riordan-horgan.com>, rbyucaipa <rbyucaipa@yahoo.com>, Robert MacMillan <robert.macmillan@gmail.com>, moseszzz <moseszzz@mztv.com>, a <anderson.cooper@cnn.com>, wennermedia <wennermedia@gmail.com>, "Hoffman, Rand" <rand.hoffman@umusic.com>, Mick Brown <mick.brown@telegraph.co.uk>, woodwardb <woodwardb@washpost.com>, "glenn.greenwald" <glenn.greenwald@guardiannews.com>, lrohter <lrohter@nytimes.com>

To the IRS and FBI,
Here is what it says in my attorney notes re. Kory and his being implicated in criminal activity.
By destroying Ms. Lynch's credibility, you prevent her from serving as a credible witness regarding Mr. Cohen's affairs.
By destroying her credibility, you also sought to prevent her from being a credible witness against you for soliciting her participation in this conspiracy  to defraud Mr. Greenberg and Mr. Westin and their respective insurance companies.

Possibility you would be implicated in criminal conduct if any of Ms. Lynch's allegations against Mr. Cohen were true.

Possible you would be subjected to civil liability as well.
I have one point to make now - WHAT was the City Attorney doing here?
All the best,