From: Kelley Lynch <>
Date: Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 10:16 AM
Subject: Deja Vu
To: Dennis <>, "*irs. commissioner" <*>, Washington Field <>, ASKDOJ <>, "Kelly.Sopko" <>, "Doug.Davis" <>
Hello FBI,
Date: Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 10:16 AM
Subject: Deja Vu
To: Dennis <>, "*irs. commissioner" <*>, Washington Field <>, ASKDOJ <>, "Kelly.Sopko" <>, "Doug.Davis" <>
Hello FBI,
The usual suspects are showing up. See comments below. Evidently, Gianelli thinks you're quite busy. I think Gianelli is dangerously unstable, a stark raving lunatic, and clearly has motive. Leonard Cohen is using his fan, Susanne Walsh, to argue his case? That's incredible.
All the best,
- Susanne Walsh said...
- Despite that Kelley Lynch,for years now, have posted her trivial and over and over again repeated phrases of vile and slanderous accusations of Mr. Cohen, Mr. Gianlli, Mr. Kory and latest Ms. Streeter,and her countless explanations to how she has evidende to Leonard Cohen's "tax fraud" and him "stealing Millions" from her and lied about Phil Spector etc, I have NEVER seen her explanation to how million of Leonard Cohens dollars ended up in Kelley's personal account. Since there is clear evidence and proof that this happend, there MUST be an explanation, and "enquering minds" would like to know how, since Lynch claims that she didn't steal or embezzel him. Oh well, I guess that is just one of those questions KL doesn't have "time" to answer.The evidence has been provided to the IRS and others. Leonard Cohen concealed corporate books, records, stock certificates, notarized documents, memoranda, my indemnity agreement, etc. He lied about being the sole beneficial owner of BMT and TH. I wasn't served his lawsuit. I wasn't served or notified of the default judgment. His version of events is based on fraud, lies, concealment, and perjury. I tend to doubt that Walsh has an "inquiring" mind.March 15, 2013 at 8:26 AM
Blogonaut said...
- Kelley Lynch: Re your post yesterday at 4:02PM:
You were subject to a Protective Order preventing contact with Leonard Cohen. You elected to engage in email and telephonic (voice message) communications with Cohen anyway.
You were criminally charged for violating the order and for the obscene and annyoing tone and content of your communications.
Your trial defense was that you had a business necessity to engage in these telephonic and email contacts in aid of obtaining necessary information to complete your 2004 federal and state tax returns.
The testimony you quote in your 4:02PM blog post establishes that some of the hundreds of emails in evidence that were sent to Cohen and many others referenced his penis.Leonard Cohen's penis was referenced in the context of him forcing me to read him legal and business documents while he bathed in a bubble bath. I view that as sexual harassment. Many did not reference his penis.
Your trial jury rejected your business necessity defense and impliedly held that your intent was to harass and annoy Cohen. The evidence you quote is sufficient to support the jury’s finding of guilt.The fraud, lies, perjury, and concealment will be addressed in the motion/writ Francisco Suarez will now file with respect to prosecutorial misconduct and the fact that this appeal should be abandoned. I have no intention of dealing with these liars in Los Angeles any longer.
Leonard Cohen’s alleged sexual harassment of you a decade ago is completely irelevant to this analysis and in any event you did not seek to, nor did you, introduce such evidence at your criminal (or any) trial.
Additionally, your alleged personal and business greivances agaist Leonard Cohen arose eight years ago. You chose not to take those grievances to court and all of them are now legally time barred.
I can assure you that I'm not time barred with respect to the refund I just discovered during my trial. That issue will be litigated. Actually, the judge refused to permit Agent Tejeda/IRS to take the stand. I didn't realize I was on trial because Cohen sexually harassed me.The fact that you were admitedly continuing to engage in email and voice mail communications with Leonard Cohen, in the face of a permient protective order prohibiting such contact, of a patently malicous and ofensive nature almost a decade after Cohen fired you for alleged embezzlement does not suggest a healthy mind.Leonard Cohen did not fire me. He heard I was reporting his tax fraud to the IRS and I refused to meet with him, his tax lawyer, hand over the corporate books and records, and help him unravel his handiwork. There is no embezzlement. Cohen concealed my corporate ownership interests and all records proving I own 15% of his intellectual property. There is now evidence of theft - see the default judgment.Nor do the Cohen-centric daily emails that you continue to send to a host of busy public figures vanly trying to damage Cohen’s reputation.Leonard Cohen has damaged his own reputation. Gianelli has issues with my writing the IRS, FBI, DOJ, Treasury, and FTB? It's none of his business.
You are a bitter, angry, mentally desturbed woman who is transparently engaging in this daily email and blogging behavior exclusively to harm those aganst whom you harbor grevences. There is really no other reasonable intrepitation of your behavor. Certainly, that is how your criminal jury viewed your state of mind.Actually, the jurors wanted to hear more from the IRS. One juror relied on Streeter's lies about the assets of TH. And, my public defender told me he thought there was a prosecution on the jury. I have no idea. I wouldn't put anything past these maniacs.
You can continue to blame LA officials, your prosecutor, your trial judge, Cohen, his advisors and anyone but yourself for your criminal conviction - but you are only fooling yourself at this point.March 15, 2013 at 8:28 AM Blogonaut said...
- Lynch bites:
1. “[Dennis Riordan] Stephen Gianelli doesn't understand that you are Phil Spector's attorney.”
Yes, we do Ms. Lynch. What we are unclear on is why YOU would believe that a busy appellate attorney with whom YOU have no business or personal relationship with (as in never met or talked to) would be taking the time to read your multiple, daily email screeds about the undersigned, Leonard Cohen, Sandra Jo Streeter, and others?Gianelli has no idea if I speak to Dennis Riordan or not. What a laughable statement. I also happen to know Phil Spector and have heard directly from him. Phil Spector is interested in Leonard Cohen's three versions of the Phil Spector gun story. To say otherwise is positively farcical.
2. It's unclear to him why the Grand Jury Legal Adviser admonished me to contact [Dennis Riordan] with respect to the three versions of Leonard Cohen's highly embellished Phil Spector gun stories before LA Superior Court.Yes, we do, Ms. Lynch. You were advised to bring your crazy conspiracy theories to someone else to et you off the phone. He or she was humoring you. Its how as a society we often deal with crazy people.How pathetic and lame. Leonard Cohen's three versions of the Phil Spector gun story before LA Superior Court is not a conspiracy theory. It's evidence and two versions must be perjured. Prosecutor Streeter continues to conceal the email she received from Cohen re. Phil Spector and one version of the gun story that contradicts his testimony in my Intent To Annoy Leonard Cohen trial and the version the prosecutors used in the Phil Spector trial. The Grand Jury Legal Adviser was quite serious about the situation.
3. Gianelli can't grasp why Judge Fidler's Clerk advised me to write the DA about this issue.
Same reason as #2.See Phil Spector.March 15, 2013 at 9:51 AM