How could Cohen sign up with the Israeli army when they have training and requirements? This gun was a .45 and one version of Cohen's alleged Phil Spector gun story is evidently al,so a .45. What was Phil Spector's devotion to "armaments" - Hal Blaine, his engineer for 37 years (and on these sessions), has never seen Phil Spector with a gun in the 37 years he and Phil Spector worked together. The DA's version of this story (used against Phil Spector) does not include a bottle of wine, the gun was held to Cohen's chest allegedly, and the gun is a semi-automatic. Which version does the government or Leonard Cohen believe? See the article (link below) for more Leonard Cohen discrepanices, lies, or embellishments of his good rock 'n roll stories.
.45 Caliber Pistol

In 1973, Cohen flew to Jerusalem to
It was also a .45 pistol that, according to anecdote often told by Cohen, Phil Spector held to Cohen’s head.
His album Death of a Ladies’ Man was produced by Phil Spector, the reclusive genius of girl-group pop. “I was flipped out at the time,” Cohen said later, “and he certainly was flipped out. For me, the expression was withdrawal and melancholy, and for him, megalomania and insanity and a devotion to armaments that was really intolerable. In the state that he found himself, which was post-Wagnerian, I would say Hitlerian, the atmosphere was one of guns – the music was a subsidiary enterprise … At a certain point Phil approached me with a bottle of kosher red wine in one hand and a .45 in the other, put his arm around my shoulder and shoved the revolver into my neck and said, ‘Leonard, I love you.’ I said, ‘I hope you do, Phil.’”4