Saturday, May 28, 2011

Facebook Message To Record Producer Bob Johnston

Hi Bob,

How are you? As you will probably recall, I worked for Marty Machat and then managed Leonard Cohen and interned with Phil Spector. Cohen and I parted ways in 2004. He committed very serious criminal tax fraud and used me horrendously. I came across some papers relating to Stranger Music, Inc. and copyrights. One was a letter Marty Machat sent to Irving Trust transmitting a $30,000 check in payment for his (Machat & Machat) and your 15% interest in Cohen's publishing. I also own 15% although Cohen has since retaliated against me. He has also stolen from Steven and Marty Machat, Phil Spector, and me. I've enclosed some links to information you might find of interest. I'm writing a book on various matters - including being dragged into Phil Spector's set up and the fact that it appears that Cohen may have perjured himself in Phillip's grand jury and shows up in the prosecutors motions. Of course, he told the detectives from LAPD that his stories about Phillip were good rock 'n roll comments. That would, I assume, include stories Cohen likes to tell about biting into revolvers in hamburgers on the Spector sessions. He couldn't stand being sidelined as a mere singer. Take it easy, Bob.
