Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Phil Spector - According To Sources Who Spoke To Vanity Fair - Clarkson Was A $1,000-An-Hour Call Girl Who Carried A Pistol

Lana also turns out to be more complicated than first thought. For starters, on occasion she'd carried a pistol—"the one James Bond had," says publicist Edward Lozzi, who dated her in the 80s. "She could shoot the eye off a fly at a thousand yards." She'd been chums with Jack Nicholson, Warren Beatty, Bob Evans, Lou Adler; hung out with Bonnie Raitt, Don Henley, Jeff Beck, Robert Blake; done the scene in Paris, Monte Carlo, and Cannes; cruised San Francisco Bay on the yacht of Hugo Quackenbush, one of the founders of Charles Schwab. And for a time in the early 1990s, according to a source who spoke to Vanity Fair, she was a $1,000-an-hour call girl, working under the name "Alana" for Beverly Hills madam Jody "Babydol" Gibson.
