Thursday, April 18, 2013

Kelley's Email To The Department Of Justice Re. LA's Restraining Order Terrorism & The Retaliation Over My Appeal That Involves Very Serious IRS Matters

From: Kelley Lynch <>
Date: Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 7:37 PM
Subject: Los Angeles, Celebrity Justice, & Freedom Of Speech
To: ASKDOJ <>, "*irs. commissioner" <*>, Washington Field <>, "Kelly.Sopko" <>, "Doug.Davis" <>, Dennis <>, rbyucaipa <>, Robert MacMillan <>, moseszzz <>, a <>, wennermedia <>, "Hoffman, Rand" <>, Mick Brown <>, woodwardb <>, "glenn.greenwald" <>, lrohter <>

To the Department of Justice,

It is just great that the Voice For men sent an investigator to LA Superior Court re. the Coyote Shivers matter.  It is an outrage that you cannot speak freely and defend yourself.  These celebrities have private investigators, etc. and this is taxpayer money being used to assist them with their assorted legal problems.  For instance, Leonard Cohen's tax fraud.  The judge thinks it is unacceptable for a men's organization with a blog to write articles?  Truthfully stating that someone has perjured themselves (Cohen confessed to it and we are addressing the extensive perjury and concealed evidence in the appeal and writ now which is why Gianelli appears to be criminally harassing me so LA Superior Court is obviously insane and have exposed me to this activity - as well as exposing my children, elderly parents, etc.)  and has falsely accused you is a crime or a restraining order violation?

This situation, as well as mine,and others, demands an investigation.  It shocks the conscience.  And they wonder why people think they are corrupt and have had it with their celebrity injustice program funded by taxpayer dollars.  I would like the DOJ to review the City Attorney's declaration re. their budget woes.  Clearly they are lying.  They have no budget woes.  They have Leonard Cohen and my lawyer understands this - Streeter has now engaged in criminal obstruction of justice with respect to me; the City Attorney's office threatened me after LA Superior Court advised me to contact that office to file a complaint against Streeter for her misconduct; my trilal was an IRS matter that demands an investigation; and every email from Gianelli should be forwarded to the FBI.
All the best,