From: Kelley Lynch
Date: Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 1:17 AM
Subject: Fwd: Your email dated , February 16, 2015 10:54 PM
To:, "irs.commissioner" <>, Washington Field <>, "Division, Criminal" <>, "Doug.Davis" <>, Dennis <>, MollyHale <>, nsapao <>, fsb <>, rbyucaipa <>, khuvane <>, blourd <>, Robert MacMillan <>, a <>, wennermedia <>, Mick Brown <>, woodwardb <>, "glenn.greenwald" <>, lrohter <>, Harriet Ryan <>, "hailey.branson" <>, "stan.garnett" <>, "" <>, Feedback <>, sedelman <>, JFeuer <>
Mike Feuer,
I find it outrageous that I am being criminally harassed with "Vivienne Swanigan" copied in - once again. I am aware that the only parties entitled to the City Attorney's justice program are celebrities because many people in Los Angeles are being criminally harassed, stalked, intimidated, slandered, annoyed, etc. It's also witness tampering.
I'll explain to you why the CIA, NSA, and FSB are copied on my emails. The CIA is copied in because Mike Conzachi and I view what is going on in Los Angeles as a national security threat and criminal enterprise. I've also contacted CIA because I would like their expert opinion on the Valentine's Day drone card sent to FBI and DOJ. CIA evidently has a disposition matrix possibly created by their director, John Brennan, to deal with actual terrorists. If Streeter thinks she is a terrorist her psychiatric problems are more extensive than I originally concluded. I did ask Detective Viramontes if he felt she had psychiatric problems and he said he would ask her if the real threat here is the IRS and FBI. Additionally, Leonard Cohen spins tall tales about his participation in CIA MKULTRA program and his roles in the Bay of Pigs and Yom Kippur War and I would like to know what the CIA thinks about that. This is highly material based on his extensive perjury in my alleged 2012 trial and his multiple versions of the Phil Spector "gun" stories before LA Superior Court.
I've asked NSA to monitor this situation because I find what is going on in Los Angeles to be positively frightening, unconstitutional, and outrageous. If they're reading anyone's emails, it should be mine because I think it's important for our intelligence agencies to have a very clear understanding of what is going on here.
The FSB is copied in because they are a Russian security agency and I believe that when I speak about highly material issues that a foreign intelligence agency should be copied in. It's important that our partners, who are routinely criticized for their systems, understand ours. Furthermore, I do not believe it is humanly possible that LA Superior Court could possibly have jurisdiction over FSB. I have also asked for their opinion on the drone card and disposition matrix. It's not a kill list, Mike. It's not my list. It belongs to CIA. I don't have a kill list and you have no evidence that I do. I want to know if that issue is clear to FSB and if they think Streeter is a bald faced liar with motive.
Kelley Lynch
For CIA Internal Review Only
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, Feb 16, 2015 at 11:25 PM
Subject: RE: Your email dated , February 16, 2015 10:54 PM
To: Kelley Lynch <>
Cc: "Vivienne A. Swanigan" <>
Date: Mon, Feb 16, 2015 at 11:25 PM
Subject: RE: Your email dated , February 16, 2015 10:54 PM
To: Kelley Lynch <>
Cc: "Vivienne A. Swanigan" <>
Now that’s a new one! Suing a prosecutor for NOT prosecuting someone!
Best of luck to you which that and your other court filings that you told the City Attorney would be on file “by the end of the month”!
BTW, would you like to share why you copy the CIA, the NSA, and the Russian state security service on your emails? I am sure that there is a perfectly sane explanation. Ha!