Monday, May 23, 2011

Drugs & The Phil Spector Sham Murder Trials - The LA DA Glorifies Drug Abuse

Lana Clarkson:

Clarkson was forced to take a minimum wage job serving the people that she hoped were her peers. The earnings for that job were insufficient to pay for her cottage, a car with insurance, her utilities, food and her Vicadin addiction.


There are other unflattering things that came out about Clarkson. She often raided medicine cabinets of her friends in search of drugs for her addiction. She swindled several friends out of as much as $60,000.00 to finance a vanity film she wanted to use as a demo to showcase her act. The demo tape was an entertainment disaster. I’m sure she expected her stalled career to move and she’d pay back her friends in full. It just did not happen.

Diane Ogden:

One of the women, Dianne Ogden, died of an accidental overdose of prescription medication after the first trial, which ended in a hung jury.,0,826817.story

Leonard Cohen:

Prescription drug abuse and illegal drug abuse - meth, heroin, LSD ...