Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Kelley Lynch's Email To DOJ's Criminal Divsion Re. The Celebrity Justice Program In Los Angeles

From: Kelley Lynch <kelley.lynch.2013@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 7:50 AM
Subject: Los Angeles Superior Court Celebrity Justice
To:  "Division, Criminal" <Criminal.Division@usdoj.gov>, Washington Field <washington.field@ic.fbi.gov>, "irs.commissioner" <irs.commissioner@irs.gov>, MollyHale <MollyHale@ucia.gov>, nsapao <nsapao@nsa.gov>, fsb <fsb@fsb.ru>, "Doug.Davis" <Doug.Davis@ftb.ca.gov>, Dennis <Dennis@riordan-horgan.com>, rbyucaipa <rbyucaipa@yahoo.com>, khuvane <khuvane@caa.com>, blourd <blourd@caa.com>, Robert MacMillan <robert.macmillan@gmail.com>, a <anderson.cooper@cnn.com>, wennermedia <wennermedia@gmail.com>, Mick Brown <mick.brown@telegraph.co.uk>, woodwardb <woodwardb@washpost.com>, "glenn.greenwald" <glenn.greenwald@firstlook.org>, lrohter <lrohter@nytimes.com>, Harriet Ryan <harriet.ryan@latimes.com>, "hailey.branson" <hailey.branson@latimes.com>, Feedback <feedback@calbar.ca.gov>


I'm gathering evidence of this highly discriminatory, celebrity oriented justice program.  At this time, I do not have the money to obtain the transcripts where I distinctly recall prosecutors telling judges that my case is unique or rare because it involves a "celebrity."  

Radar Online has a Los Angeles Superior Court Celebrity Justice website and this link leads to a "Celebrity Sightings" at Los Angeles Superior Court website.  As you will recall, there was a rather disturbing incident with Tom Hanks and a starstruck Deputy City Attorney.  Streeter was literally gushing into her cellphone (in the Courtroom, of course) about Leonard Cohen.  It's truly nauseating but also highly unconstitutional.  

I am attaching a copy of Coyote Shivers' complaint that is literally printed on Radar Online paper.

The entire situation is deeply disturbing - particularly as it relates to Leonard Cohen, his involvement with former DA Steve Cooley, testimony about Phil Spector and a gun that was elicited by the Deputy City Attorney with the DA's investigator in the courtroom, and all the lies (including those provided by the Deputy City Attorney) about IRS and federal tax matters.

And then, there is the refusal of this government to prosecute Stephen Gianelli who has criminally harassed me and many residents of Los Angeles for years now.  That would include my then minor son.  I have no idea who this man is and as far as I'm concerned he could be armed and dangerous.  However, the City Attorney felt entirely comfortable instructing Gianelli to continue criminally harassing me and proceeded to use that situation against me.  How convenient.  The State Bar should discipline these people who are completely out of control.  The Ethics Commission representative was utterly frustrated by the inability to hold anyone accountable for anything.

All the best,