Friday, March 25, 2016

Kelley Lynch's Email to IRS, FBI, DOJ, Treasury, ICE, FTB & Senate Judiciary: Leonard Cohen & Robert Kory Should Tell It To The Judge

From: Kelley Lynch <>
Date: Fri, Mar 25, 2016 at 3:03 AM
To: "*IRS.Commisioner" <*>, Washington Field <>, ASKDOJ <>, "Division, Criminal" <>, "Doug.Davis" <>, Dennis <>, MollyHale <>, fsb <>, rbyucaipa <>, khuvane <>, blourd <>, Robert MacMillan <>, a <>, wennermedia <>, Mick Brown <>, "glenn.greenwald" <>, Harriet Ryan <>, "hailey.branson" <>, Stan Garnett <>, Mike Feuer <>, "mayor.garcetti" <>, Opla-pd-los-occ <>, "Kelly.Sopko" <>, Whistleblower <>, Attacheottawa <>,, alan hootnick <>
Cc: rkory <>, Linda Carol 

IRS, FBI, DOJ, Treasury, ICE, FTB, and Senate Judiciary,

The criminal stalker/co-conspirator has moved on from harassing Jules Zalon and me, demanding that Mr. Zalon provide him with information, arguing Leonard Cohen's legal case with Jules Zalon, and harassing us with Karina Von Watteville copied in.  The criminal stalker is now arguing issues related to Karina Von Watteville and Robert Kory.  Let's take a look at his insane narrative.  I have copied Robert Kory who seems to believe he had a right to determine how I should advise Von Watteville to cease and desist and/or communicate with federal agencies.

I copied most, if not all, of your agencies on my handful of cease and desist emails to Von Watteville.  They will be submitted to federal court.  Von Watteville was slandering me.  I wasn't demanding that she pay Paulette Brandt's rent.  Paulette Brandt sent a rent demand letter about that issue and filed a Small Claims suit.  I provided her with a declaration as did others.  Paulette Brandt is not my "partner" but this man has it out for her.  Keep in mind that Gianelli may very well be moonlighting for the Spector prosecution as well.  He appears to work in tandom online with Ed Lozzi, Clarkson's publicist, and others. Lozzi wrote me a positively insane email about "Michelle Rice" mentioning the fan Rice advised Judge Hess brought information to Kory & Rice about me.  That email is being submitted to federal court as well as other evidence.

Karina Von Watteville looked at my blog and simply decided to phone Robert Kory?  Kory simply took her call.  And, based on lies and slander, told her to make a police report.  That is NOT  what KVW told Paulette Brandt, me, other witnesses, or the mediator.  We'll advise the federal court of that fact because this is a lie and LA Superior Court likes fabricated narratives and liars on the stand.  See all matters between me and Leonard Cohen including my entire trial.  KVW said Kory told her to sue us.  That's all documented.

Then, after Kory couldn't help, she emailed Gianelli who decided to help defraud Paulette Brandt of $6,700.  There's fraud upon Small Claims court and that will be addressed in our answers and declarations.  Many of the statements Gianelli has threatened us over are in the Small Claims documents.  Those will be submitted to LA Superior Court and federal court to prove that these people are bald-faced liars.  KVW came into court to argue that Leonard Cohen and Robert Kory's situation with me was her defense.  The mediator had to ask her if she had any evidence related to the situation with her rental arrears.  The statute of limitations had not run and they are lying about this issue which now be addressed with the courts.  

I've addressed the situation with the declaration.  It's criminal witness tampering.  Period.  All the issues he is mentioning are in the Small Claims documents so they are litigation protected.  Linda Carol did raise another issue and I can assure you that LAPD's TMU is going to explain why they think it's acceptable for us to be targeted by this woman.  The Sam Menning's Trial Brief is being submitted with our answers and to federal court.  I didn't encourage Linda Carol to do anything.  She elected to provide the declaration, dictated it, and wanted to help Paulette Brandt.  Is Gianelli saying that Linda Carol dictated a fraudulent declaration and lied to LAPD?  That is a truly unique argument.  

 This situation has to do with Robert Kory and it's being addressed in my federal RICO suit.  When I'm served, I will respond to KVW's lawsuit and if she asked for $1 extortion.  What happened?  The woman hasn't worked at an actual job in years [according to her own statements].  Did Social Security reduce her benefits based on the information sent to IRS, FBI, DOJ, etc?  Is that the damage?  Did the people at the food bank turn on her?  Did Christian Slater's father look down upon her?  Is that why she encouraged him to file a lawsuit against his son?  

Nothing these people do surprises me.  They're ambulance chasers, grifters, gold diggers, con artists, gutter service lawyers, and really should be held accountable for their actions.
