Date: Wed, May 27, 2015 at 6:08 PM
To: Michelle Rice <>, "*IRS.Commisioner" <*>, Washington Field <>, "Division, Criminal" <>, "Doug.Davis" <>, Dennis <>, MollyHale <>, nsapao <>, fsb <>, rbyucaipa <>, khuvane <>, blourd <>, Robert MacMillan <>, a <>, wennermedia <>, Mick Brown <>, "glenn.greenwald" <>, lrohter <>, Harriet Ryan <>, "hailey.branson" <>, "stan.garnett" <>, "" <>, Feedback <>,, "mayor.garcetti" <>, "Kelly.Sopko" <>,
Michelle Rice and Daniel Bergman,
Bergman violated Judge Karlan's order by refusing to communicate with me. Lindsey violated Judge Karlan's order because Ray never called and was supposed to call every other night. I know Bergman and Kory/Rice's tactics well. I am aware that people, like Marie Mazur, function as operatives reporting back to Robert Kory.
I phoned Agent Tejeda to read him the proposed Sanctions Order and list of documents filed. I advised him that I would contact both of you to inform you that I do NOT have any Leonard Cohen business or personal tax returns. I have corporate tax returns. I was included as a partner on federal tax returns for Traditional Holdings, LLC. K-1 partnership documents were issued. Please provide me a list of all attorney/client privileged documents you are referring to. Your statements are vague.
The judgement is ambiguous as to federal tax requirements. It does not appear to be retroactive. Cohen refuses to provide me with IRS required form 1099 for the year 2004 and corporate tax information for the years 2004, 2005, and 2006. The U.S. Constitution Supremacy Clause would not permit LA Superior Court to subvert IRS filing and reporting requirements.
I see you have scheduled a hearing on the Sanctions Motion for September 3, 2015. You seem to view fraud upon the court as harassment. I view it as criminal in nature.
Daniel Bergman was Lindsey's custody lawyer. Kory provided Bergman with a declaration in that matter. Lindsey called the police re. SWAT. I have his declaration and so does the IRS and Phil Spector's legal team. You have raised the Phil Spector "gun" incident. Paulette Brandt just confirmed for Agent Tejeda that she never saw Phillip with a gun; Karina Von Watteville advised her and the mediator that she called Robert Kory in response to her rental arrears demand letter; she dyed my hair dark and I didn't resemble the individual served; and my mother authorized her - NOT ME - to sign her declaration. Paulette Brandt signed her declaration. You have the burden of proof to prove that the declarations were fraudulently signed or forged and Judge Hess will be made aware of that fact also.
Bergman violated Judge Karlan's order by refusing to communicate with me. Lindsey violated Judge Karlan's order because Ray never called and was supposed to call every other night. I know Bergman and Kory/Rice's tactics well. I am aware that people, like Marie Mazur, function as operatives reporting back to Robert Kory.
I can receive letters from Michelle Rice but not IRS required tax forms? I am acting in bad faith by seeking legal remedies? Who would believe that argument? You want Judge Hess to terminate my fee waiver? You want me to withdraw the Motion for Terminating Sanctions by June 19, 2015 and cancel the hearing. I am now going to consult with a criminal litigator. I do not appreciate threats, extortion attempts, failure to serve documents (Bergman didn't serve the restraining order he told the court he did) and targeted Rutger. He also destroyed Ray's life so I know what he's capable of.
I have asked you some questions, Michelle Rice, and would appreciate an answer. Did Judge Hess rescind the order ordering me to serve Jeffrey Korn? If so, when? What is the judgment amount with interest? Gianelli, who offered to get involved with the custody matter, publicly stated that it's $13.8 million.
I will let you know if I decide to withdraw the Motion for Terminating Sanctions pursuant to your demands. I understand the September hearing is on Judge Hess' calendar.
I will remind you that Judge Hess ordered both parties to serve the documents by email. I haven't received them by email and will ask Judge Hess to hold Cohen's attorneys in contempt.
Kelley Lynch
cc: Daniel Bergman via