Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Kelley Lynch's Email To Pico Iyer: What Do You Think Of These Declarations Re: Leonard Cohen, et al?

From: Kelley Lynch <kelley.lynch.2010@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Nov 18, 2014 at 8:00 PM
Subject: Re:
To: dale <dale@pikelleyandassociates.com>, "irs.commissioner" <irs.commissioner@irs.gov>, Washington Field <washington.field@ic.fbi.gov>, ASKDOJ <ASKDOJ@usdoj.gov>, "Division, Criminal" <Criminal.Division@usdoj.gov>, rbyucaipa <rbyucaipa@yahoo.com>, "Doug.Davis" <Doug.Davis@ftb.ca.gov>, Dennis <Dennis@riordan-horgan.com>, MollyHale <MollyHale@ucia.gov>, nsapao <nsapao@nsa.gov>, fsb <fsb@fsb.ru>, khuvane <khuvane@caa.com>, blourd <blourd@caa.com>, Robert MacMillan <robert.macmillan@gmail.com>, "g.robertson" <g.robertson@doughtystreet.co.uk>, a <anderson.cooper@cnn.com>, wennermedia <wennermedia@gmail.com>, Mick Brown <mick.brown@telegraph.co.uk>, "glenn.greenwald" <glenn.greenwald@firstlook.org>, lrohter <lrohter@nytimes.com>, Harriet Ryan <harriet.ryan@latimes.com>, "hailey.branson" <hailey.branson@latimes.com>, "stan.garnett" <stan.garnett@gmail.com>, sedelman <sedelman@gibsondunn.com>, JFeuer <JFeuer@gibsondunn.com>, "kevin.prins" <kevin.prins@ryan.com>, rwest0@gmx.com, Sherab Posel <poselaw@gmail.com>, info <info@ripaladrang.org>, "YesheRimpoche@aol.com" <bhakhatulku@yahoo.com>, info <info@kibi-edu.org>, spriyer@aol.com, lodigg@savetibet.org, "steve@blottermusic.com" <steve@blottermusic.com>, "steve@radicalmusic.com" <steve@radicalmusic.com>, karen <karen@softwheresolutions.com>, Douglas Penick <mpduke1@msn.com>, Chewyguru <gesarmukpo@yahoo.com>, Daniel Meade <trimesamten1@gmail.com>, Palden Ronge <mediamessenger@gmail.com>


What do you think of these declarations?  They're all Buddhists.

Kelley Lynch

I, Daniel J. Meade, do state and declare as follows:
1.       I am a citizen of the Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. I was born and raised in the United States. 
Except as to those matters stated on information and belief, I have personal knowledge of the facts set forth herein and could and would testify competently if asked to do so. 
teacher, appointed me to the position of Executive Director to the Philadelphia branch of Vajdrahatu International Buddhist Organization.  At that time, I was also quite close with her first husband, Richard Dallett.  In fact, when Kelley was married to Mr. Dallett, I worked with him on numerous projects.  My wife and I spent a great deal of time socializing with Kelley and Richard Dallett.
3.      Kelley's volunteer work with Philadelphia Dharmadhatu included serving as my personal
secretary and administrative assistant for approximately 2-1/2 years.  I was always pleased with her professional demeanor and diligent work.
4.      Kelley Lynch and I have remained extremely close friends to this day.  I view her as one of my
closest friends.  We have stayed in close contact consistently for over 35 years.
5.        I also know Kelley's parents, grandparents, brother, sister, sons and second husband, Douglas
Penick, who is a friend of mine.  Kelley has a very close relationship with her family.
6.      In all the years I have known her I, have appreciated her kindness and generosity towards me and
others and various organizations and Buddhist causes.  His Holiness Kusum Lingpa appointed Kelley Lynch to be his lineage holder.  Kelley and Oliver Stone sponsored a Tibetan Buddhist center for Kusum Lingpa Rinpoche and he evidently also appreciated certain qualities that she embodies. 
7.      Kelley is a quick wit and possesses a great sense of humor.  I would like to share a story about
her with the Court:  Approximately 13 years ago, my long term lady friend, also a friend of Kelley's, was diagnosed with terminal cancer.  For the next 4 months, Kelley called me every day to check in with about my state of mind as I was the primary care giver.  Her support during this period of time was invaluable and greatly appreciated.  After my friend's death, Kelley generously flew me out to Los Angeles to visit and recuperate.  My son also joined us.  She took a bit of time off work to tend to my needs.  I was able to spend time with and became intimately acquainted with her sons, Rutger and Ray.  I found the home environment to be very loving, uplifted and dignified in a particular sort of Buddhist style.  Kelley was a great host and obviously a good and decent mother.  It was a very pleasant 5-6 weeks for me.  But, during my stay I witnessed a few rather unpleasant incidents:  I was well aware that Kelley worked as Leonard Cohen's personal manager.  I had been a fan of his music and poetry since the age of One day the phone rang while Kelley was in the shower, I picked up and Leonard Cohen asked “Is Kelley there?”  I responded by asking “Who are you?”  He replied “I am Leonard.”  I then simply said “Leonard who?” and his response was to become angry.  He then hung up on me.   I actually meant this as a joke.  Of course, I knew it was Leonard Cohen.  His voice is very recognizable.  Later that morning, Mr. Cohen emailed Kelley a very personal and vicious letter.  She read it to me and I could not believe what an abusive, humorless, and aggressive asshole he was to her.  My little dream of the man who wrote these profound song lyrics immediately went down the local toilet in Los Angeles at that time.  I asked Kelley to give me a copy of this letter so I could share it with the world at large and inform them about this man's true nature.  I was in disbelief at his level of hostility particularly given the fact that he holds himself out to the world as some sort of religious sage.  He was clearly jealous of my presence.  Kelley discreetly declined to provide me with a copy of this exceedingly disturbing email.  I do not believe she refused to give me the letter simply to protect her position as Mr. Cohen’s personal manager.  I believe she declined out of a sense of respect for Leonard Cohen and may have been trying to keep his weaknesses and unconscionable conduct towards her private.
8.      The second unpleasant incident I would like to share is as follows:  One day, while visiting Kelley
and her family, I was relaxing by the pool.  Kelley's great home care assistant, Elena, had brought
me food.  Elena was a delightful individual who took great care of Kelley's sons and home while she was at work.  Kelley was extremely busy working as Cohen’s personal manager and also owned a greeting card company.  She devoted a tremendous amount of time to her sons, work, and charitable work.  Kelley is a tireless individual.  Elena would help with the boys when they returned from school or other activities, assist with meal preparations, and appeared to love Kelley and the boys.  Elena’s presence in the home was important.  Kelley home-schooled her older son and carpooled her younger soon.  There were numerous children and teenagers in her home during the evenings and weekends.  Kelley provided a stable environment for these young people but was very careful with boundaries and discipline.  Kelley was essentially a single mother, raising her children with the assistance of her parents, and wanted an adult present in the household at all times.  Suddenly, out of the blue, Steven Lindsey showed up unannounced - meaning he did not call or email asking if it was an appropriate time to drop by.  Steve Lindsey is the father of Kelley’s younger son, Ray.  I suppose he felt entitled to behave in this manner because he was Ray's genetic father and felt he could do as he liked, in an arrogant fashion, as rich people tend to do. Douglas Penick is Rutger's father and a close friend of mine.  Kelley was not pleased with the invasion and from what I witnessed neither were her sons or Elena.  I was sitting by the pool, clueless as to Lindsey's arrival, when he sat down next to me.  He tried to be nice about the death of my girlfriend.  The aggression Steve Lindsey brought into that home was, from my perspective, overwhelming and loud.  After helping to calm things down inside, Kelley came out and made a few dark jokes about death, in a Monty Python sort of way.  She was trying to help me through my grief in her playful fashion.  Steve Lindsey became offended by Kelley and my interactions.  He stormed off angry and, from what I could hear from outside, Ray was in the house quite upset.  I asked Kelley – “Does he always invade your home unannounced?”  She replied, “Yes, whenever he wants to.”  I thought “How sad for Ray and Rutger and you.”  Kelley and her sons were very, very close.
9.      It is my personal belief that both Leonard Cohen and Steve Lindsey were obsessed with Kelley,
were extremely possessive of her, privately conducted themselves in a jealous and hostile manner towards her, and became angry and vicious when she was unable to tend to them specifically.
10.  In the 35 years I have known Kelley, I have never once heard that she and Cohen were in a brief,
intimate dating relationship.  I have, on the other hand, heard first hand that she felt Cohen’s conduct towards her was technically sexual harassment and thoroughly unprofessional.  At times, throughout the years, Kelley and I have been involved in an intimate dating relationship and I feel absolutely confident that had she been involved in a similar relationship with Cohen she would have shared that information with me.  Kelley and I have a very direct and honest friendship. 
11.  Since  2005, when Leonard Cohen filed his lawsuit against Kelley, she has consistently maintained
that she was not served the lawsuit.  This has been extremely frustrating for her. 
12.  These are my thoughts about what a good person Kelley Lynch is.  I have no fiduciary concerns
here.  She is  simply an old friend of mine and I am concerned  about her welfare and the welfare of her sons.
I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is
true and correct and that I executed this Declaration on the 6th day of October 2014 at Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.

                                                                        Daniel J. Meade


I, Kelley Lynch, do state and declare as follows:
1.       I am a citizen of the United States and currently reside in Longmont, Colorado. Except as
to those matters stated on information and belief, I have personal knowledge of the facts set forth herein and could and would testify competently if asked to do so. 
2.      I have been a close friend of Kelley Lynch’s for over 29 years.  We met at a Buddhist seminary in
the summer of 1985.
3.      During the mid-to-late 1980s, Kelley and I lived in New York City.  We saw each other every
week for dinners and over the weekends.  Kelley had a young son at the time and they lived together in a beautiful apartment that she kept spotless.
4.      In 1987, I moved from New York City to Colorado.  Kelley and I remained in close touch and

visited when we were able to do so.  My husband, Yongzin Rinpoche, is also a close friend of Kelley’s.
5.      I visited or spent time with Kelley over the years, watched her children grow up, and know that
she is a very caring mother.  Her first love is her children. 
6.      I am aware that Kelley worked as Leonard Cohen’s personal manager.  She never once indicated
that they were having an intimate relationship.  We frequently had girl talks and he was not someone she was ever interested in dating.  I specifically recall asking her directly:  Were you dating?  Did you ever find Cohen attractive?   Her answer was always “No.”
7.      I’ve watched Kelley’s boys, Rutger and Ray, throughout their childhoods.  They are both bright,
good hearted fellows.  Kelley is an amazingly strong, kind-hearted being, that has worked her entire life to help her children, parents, friends, and everyone who asked for her assistance.  Her care for others is genuine and profound. 
8.      My husband and I visited Kelley in the late spring/early summer of 2005.  At that time, she was
approximately 5’6”, very thin, had blue eyes, and wore her hair a very dark shade of brown and short.
9.      Since Leonard Cohen filed his lawsuit against Kelley, in the summer of 2005, she has continually
maintained that she was not served the summons and complaint.
10.  I am quite confident in Kelley’s integrity and the fact that she was as professional and
 straightforward with her business dealings as she has been in her friendship.
I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is
true and correct and that I executed this Declaration on the 6th day of October 2014 at Longmont, Colorado.

                                                                        Clea Surkhang


I, Palden Ronge, do state and declare as follows:
1.       I am a citizen of the Canada and permanent resident of the United States.  I currently
reside in Los Angeles California. Except as to those matters stated on information and belief, I have personal knowledge of the facts set forth herein and could and would testify competently if asked to do so. 
2.      My wife, Lila Rich, and I have known Kelley for years.  I personally met her in approximately
1988.  We are close family friends and I know her sons, Rutger and Ray.  We visited each other socially on many occasions and participated in many religious events together. 
3.      Kelley was an excellent and loving mother.  She took her role as a parent seriously and saw to it
that her sons received the best education.  She ensured that their personal needs were met in every way.  Ms. Lynch was particularly diligent in supervising her children to insulate them from the urban youth culture of drug and alcohol abuse.  Kelley’s sons are wonderful young men.
4.      I have known Kelley to be a well-connected, professional woman, who multi-tasked at a dizzying
pace as she managed the business affairs for Leonard Cohen.  Kelley worked as Cohen’s personal manager for many years.  I met Mr. Cohen socially with Kelley on numerous occasions.  It never once crossed my mind that they were involved in any type of intimate dating relationship.  Nor had I heard anything to indicate that their relationship was anything but professional.  I know Kelley’s ex-husband, Douglas Penick, the father of her younger son (Steve Lindsey), and from 1988 through the present feel it is accurate to say that her relationship with Leonard Cohen was a professional business relationship.
5.      I also worked with Kelley when she and Oliver Stone sponsored a Tibetan Buddhist meditation
center for His Holiness Kusum Lingpa.  His Holiness Kusum Lingpa was a highly regarded Tibetan Buddhist master.  I had the good fortune to serve as an interpreter for this remarkable man and was involved in translating certain religious texts.  His Holiness appointed Kelley to be his chos kyi dags mos (lineage holder) and she worked quite diligently on his behalf.  It is my personal belief that Kelley conducts herself professionally, ethically, and honestly in all areas of her life.
6.      I attended the January 17, 2014 hearing in this matter and had hoped to testify on Kelley’s  behalf. 
The opportunity to do so was not presented.   I visited Kelley throughout the summer of 2005. 
His Eminence Choegon Rinpoche, a mutual friend, often accompanied me on these visits.  Throughout the summer of 2005, I distinctly recall Kelley’s appearance in the summer of 2005.  At that time, she had bright blue eyes, very dark short hair, was approximately 5’6”, and very thin (perhaps weighing 110 pounds).  For years, she had worn her hair very light blonde and it took me some time to grow accustomed to Kelley’s dark hair and new look.
7.      I distinctly recall during the summer and fall of 2005 Kelley’s frustrated attempts to address the
fact that she was not served Leonard Cohen’s lawsuit.  Kelley has continuously and consistently maintained that she was not served the summons and complaint. 
I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is
true and correct and that I executed this Declaration on the 6th day of October 2014 at Los Angeles California.

                                                                        Palden Ronge

On Tue, Nov 18, 2014 at 7:59 PM, Kelley Lynch <kelley.lynch.2010@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Lodi Gyari Rinpoche,

I have declarations from many people including Sangye Khandro.  I am dealing with psychopaths and many of them are judges.

All the best,

On Tue, Nov 18, 2014 at 7:59 PM, Kelley Lynch <kelley.lynch.2010@gmail.com> wrote:


Pico Iyer thinks Cohen's a Buddhist.


I, Daniel J. Meade, do state and declare as follows:
1.       I am a citizen of the Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. I was born and raised in the United States. 
Except as to those matters stated on information and belief, I have personal knowledge of the facts set forth herein and could and would testify competently if asked to do so. 
teacher, appointed me to the position of Executive Director to the Philadelphia branch of Vajdrahatu International Buddhist Organization.  At that time, I was also quite close with her first husband, Richard Dallett.  In fact, when Kelley was married to Mr. Dallett, I worked with him on numerous projects.  My wife and I spent a great deal of time socializing with Kelley and Richard Dallett.
3.      Kelley's volunteer work with Philadelphia Dharmadhatu included serving as my personal
secretary and administrative assistant for approximately 2-1/2 years.  I was always pleased with her professional demeanor and diligent work.
4.      Kelley Lynch and I have remained extremely close friends to this day.  I view her as one of my
closest friends.  We have stayed in close contact consistently for over 35 years.
5.        I also know Kelley's parents, grandparents, brother, sister, sons and second husband, Douglas
Penick, who is a friend of mine.  Kelley has a very close relationship with her family.
6.      In all the years I have known her I, have appreciated her kindness and generosity towards me and
others and various organizations and Buddhist causes.  His Holiness Kusum Lingpa appointed Kelley Lynch to be his lineage holder.  Kelley and Oliver Stone sponsored a Tibetan Buddhist center for Kusum Lingpa Rinpoche and he evidently also appreciated certain qualities that she embodies. 
7.      Kelley is a quick wit and possesses a great sense of humor.  I would like to share a story about
her with the Court:  Approximately 13 years ago, my long term lady friend, also a friend of Kelley's, was diagnosed with terminal cancer.  For the next 4 months, Kelley called me every day to check in with about my state of mind as I was the primary care giver.  Her support during this period of time was invaluable and greatly appreciated.  After my friend's death, Kelley generously flew me out to Los Angeles to visit and recuperate.  My son also joined us.  She took a bit of time off work to tend to my needs.  I was able to spend time with and became intimately acquainted with her sons, Rutger and Ray.  I found the home environment to be very loving, uplifted and dignified in a particular sort of Buddhist style.  Kelley was a great host and obviously a good and decent mother.  It was a very pleasant 5-6 weeks for me.  But, during my stay I witnessed a few rather unpleasant incidents:  I was well aware that Kelley worked as Leonard Cohen's personal manager.  I had been a fan of his music and poetry since the age of One day the phone rang while Kelley was in the shower, I picked up and Leonard Cohen asked “Is Kelley there?”  I responded by asking “Who are you?”  He replied “I am Leonard.”  I then simply said “Leonard who?” and his response was to become angry.  He then hung up on me.   I actually meant this as a joke.  Of course, I knew it was Leonard Cohen.  His voice is very recognizable.  Later that morning, Mr. Cohen emailed Kelley a very personal and vicious letter.  She read it to me and I could not believe what an abusive, humorless, and aggressive asshole he was to her.  My little dream of the man who wrote these profound song lyrics immediately went down the local toilet in Los Angeles at that time.  I asked Kelley to give me a copy of this letter so I could share it with the world at large and inform them about this man's true nature.  I was in disbelief at his level of hostility particularly given the fact that he holds himself out to the world as some sort of religious sage.  He was clearly jealous of my presence.  Kelley discreetly declined to provide me with a copy of this exceedingly disturbing email.  I do not believe she refused to give me the letter simply to protect her position as Mr. Cohen’s personal manager.  I believe she declined out of a sense of respect for Leonard Cohen and may have been trying to keep his weaknesses and unconscionable conduct towards her private.
8.      The second unpleasant incident I would like to share is as follows:  One day, while visiting Kelley
and her family, I was relaxing by the pool.  Kelley's great home care assistant, Elena, had brought
me food.  Elena was a delightful individual who took great care of Kelley's sons and home while she was at work.  Kelley was extremely busy working as Cohen’s personal manager and also owned a greeting card company.  She devoted a tremendous amount of time to her sons, work, and charitable work.  Kelley is a tireless individual.  Elena would help with the boys when they returned from school or other activities, assist with meal preparations, and appeared to love Kelley and the boys.  Elena’s presence in the home was important.  Kelley home-schooled her older son and carpooled her younger soon.  There were numerous children and teenagers in her home during the evenings and weekends.  Kelley provided a stable environment for these young people but was very careful with boundaries and discipline.  Kelley was essentially a single mother, raising her children with the assistance of her parents, and wanted an adult present in the household at all times.  Suddenly, out of the blue, Steven Lindsey showed up unannounced - meaning he did not call or email asking if it was an appropriate time to drop by.  Steve Lindsey is the father of Kelley’s younger son, Ray.  I suppose he felt entitled to behave in this manner because he was Ray's genetic father and felt he could do as he liked, in an arrogant fashion, as rich people tend to do. Douglas Penick is Rutger's father and a close friend of mine.  Kelley was not pleased with the invasion and from what I witnessed neither were her sons or Elena.  I was sitting by the pool, clueless as to Lindsey's arrival, when he sat down next to me.  He tried to be nice about the death of my girlfriend.  The aggression Steve Lindsey brought into that home was, from my perspective, overwhelming and loud.  After helping to calm things down inside, Kelley came out and made a few dark jokes about death, in a Monty Python sort of way.  She was trying to help me through my grief in her playful fashion.  Steve Lindsey became offended by Kelley and my interactions.  He stormed off angry and, from what I could hear from outside, Ray was in the house quite upset.  I asked Kelley – “Does he always invade your home unannounced?”  She replied, “Yes, whenever he wants to.”  I thought “How sad for Ray and Rutger and you.”  Kelley and her sons were very, very close.
9.      It is my personal belief that both Leonard Cohen and Steve Lindsey were obsessed with Kelley,
were extremely possessive of her, privately conducted themselves in a jealous and hostile manner towards her, and became angry and vicious when she was unable to tend to them specifically.
10.  In the 35 years I have known Kelley, I have never once heard that she and Cohen were in a brief,
intimate dating relationship.  I have, on the other hand, heard first hand that she felt Cohen’s conduct towards her was technically sexual harassment and thoroughly unprofessional.  At times, throughout the years, Kelley and I have been involved in an intimate dating relationship and I feel absolutely confident that had she been involved in a similar relationship with Cohen she would have shared that information with me.  Kelley and I have a very direct and honest friendship. 
11.  Since  2005, when Leonard Cohen filed his lawsuit against Kelley, she has consistently maintained
that she was not served the lawsuit.  This has been extremely frustrating for her. 
12.  These are my thoughts about what a good person Kelley Lynch is.  I have no fiduciary concerns
here.  She is  simply an old friend of mine and I am concerned  about her welfare and the welfare of her sons.
I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is
true and correct and that I executed this Declaration on the 6th day of October 2014 at Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.

                                                                        Daniel J. Meade


I, Kelley Lynch, do state and declare as follows:
1.       I am a citizen of the United States and currently reside in Longmont, Colorado. Except as
to those matters stated on information and belief, I have personal knowledge of the facts set forth herein and could and would testify competently if asked to do so. 
2.      I have been a close friend of Kelley Lynch’s for over 29 years.  We met at a Buddhist seminary in
the summer of 1985.
3.      During the mid-to-late 1980s, Kelley and I lived in New York City.  We saw each other every
week for dinners and over the weekends.  Kelley had a young son at the time and they lived together in a beautiful apartment that she kept spotless.
4.      In 1987, I moved from New York City to Colorado.  Kelley and I remained in close touch and

visited when we were able to do so.  My husband, Yongzin Rinpoche, is also a close friend of Kelley’s.
5.      I visited or spent time with Kelley over the years, watched her children grow up, and know that
she is a very caring mother.  Her first love is her children. 
6.      I am aware that Kelley worked as Leonard Cohen’s personal manager.  She never once indicated
that they were having an intimate relationship.  We frequently had girl talks and he was not someone she was ever interested in dating.  I specifically recall asking her directly:  Were you dating?  Did you ever find Cohen attractive?   Her answer was always “No.”
7.      I’ve watched Kelley’s boys, Rutger and Ray, throughout their childhoods.  They are both bright,
good hearted fellows.  Kelley is an amazingly strong, kind-hearted being, that has worked her entire life to help her children, parents, friends, and everyone who asked for her assistance.  Her care for others is genuine and profound. 
8.      My husband and I visited Kelley in the late spring/early summer of 2005.  At that time, she was
approximately 5’6”, very thin, had blue eyes, and wore her hair a very dark shade of brown and short.
9.      Since Leonard Cohen filed his lawsuit against Kelley, in the summer of 2005, she has continually
maintained that she was not served the summons and complaint.
10.  I am quite confident in Kelley’s integrity and the fact that she was as professional and
 straightforward with her business dealings as she has been in her friendship.
I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is
true and correct and that I executed this Declaration on the 6th day of October 2014 at Longmont, Colorado.

                                                                        Clea Surkhang


I, Palden Ronge, do state and declare as follows:
1.       I am a citizen of the Canada and permanent resident of the United States.  I currently
reside in Los Angeles California. Except as to those matters stated on information and belief, I have personal knowledge of the facts set forth herein and could and would testify competently if asked to do so. 
2.      My wife, Lila Rich, and I have known Kelley for years.  I personally met her in approximately
1988.  We are close family friends and I know her sons, Rutger and Ray.  We visited each other socially on many occasions and participated in many religious events together. 
3.      Kelley was an excellent and loving mother.  She took her role as a parent seriously and saw to it
that her sons received the best education.  She ensured that their personal needs were met in every way.  Ms. Lynch was particularly diligent in supervising her children to insulate them from the urban youth culture of drug and alcohol abuse.  Kelley’s sons are wonderful young men.
4.      I have known Kelley to be a well-connected, professional woman, who multi-tasked at a dizzying
pace as she managed the business affairs for Leonard Cohen.  Kelley worked as Cohen’s personal manager for many years.  I met Mr. Cohen socially with Kelley on numerous occasions.  It never once crossed my mind that they were involved in any type of intimate dating relationship.  Nor had I heard anything to indicate that their relationship was anything but professional.  I know Kelley’s ex-husband, Douglas Penick, the father of her younger son (Steve Lindsey), and from 1988 through the present feel it is accurate to say that her relationship with Leonard Cohen was a professional business relationship.
5.      I also worked with Kelley when she and Oliver Stone sponsored a Tibetan Buddhist meditation
center for His Holiness Kusum Lingpa.  His Holiness Kusum Lingpa was a highly regarded Tibetan Buddhist master.  I had the good fortune to serve as an interpreter for this remarkable man and was involved in translating certain religious texts.  His Holiness appointed Kelley to be his chos kyi dags mos (lineage holder) and she worked quite diligently on his behalf.  It is my personal belief that Kelley conducts herself professionally, ethically, and honestly in all areas of her life.
6.      I attended the January 17, 2014 hearing in this matter and had hoped to testify on Kelley’s  behalf. 
The opportunity to do so was not presented.   I visited Kelley throughout the summer of 2005. 
His Eminence Choegon Rinpoche, a mutual friend, often accompanied me on these visits.  Throughout the summer of 2005, I distinctly recall Kelley’s appearance in the summer of 2005.  At that time, she had bright blue eyes, very dark short hair, was approximately 5’6”, and very thin (perhaps weighing 110 pounds).  For years, she had worn her hair very light blonde and it took me some time to grow accustomed to Kelley’s dark hair and new look.
7.      I distinctly recall during the summer and fall of 2005 Kelley’s frustrated attempts to address the
fact that she was not served Leonard Cohen’s lawsuit.  Kelley has continuously and consistently maintained that she was not served the summons and complaint. 
I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is
true and correct and that I executed this Declaration on the 6th day of October 2014 at Los Angeles California.

                                                                        Palden Ronge

On Tue, Nov 18, 2014 at 7:57 PM, Kelley Lynch <kelley.lynch.2010@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Gesar,

The criminals have now harassed Clea Surkhang.  God knows where this is headed.


On Tue, Nov 18, 2014 at 7:56 PM, Kelley Lynch <kelley.lynch.2010@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Kevin and Bryan,

There is NO way that Gesar Mukpo would agree that I abused my children.  Maybe Lindsey, being so powerful, will lie about Gesar.  He'll lie about anything and destroyed Ray and Rutger's lives.  Who knows - maybe he actually thinks Rutger and Ray snorted coke off Oliver's "cock."  God knows what these psychopaths are thinking.  Shall I go to the stump?  Ask Oliver if he thinks I should.  

All the best,

From: Helvetia Hornwaller <simitheseventeenthshitzu@gmx.at>
Date: Sat, Aug 31, 2013 at 1:44 AM
To: Kelley.lynch.2010@gmail.com
Kelley, you are diseased scum and the essence of evil. In another time you, like all alcoholic, drug addicted witches and whores, would have been burned at the stake for your horrible crimes and insanity. The best we can hope for now is that you are raped and murdered in jail after you are sent back shortly. Or maybe you will die of a brain tumor or lung cancer. However you die, it is important that you burn in Hell for all eternity. How you ever escaped jail for abuse of your children is a mystery. Not only did you abuse them emotionally and neglect their basic material needs, nutrition, and safety, but you abused them sexually too, and allowed your depraved Hollywood friends to abuse them sexually. Really Kelley, making Rutger and Ray snort coke off the head of Oliver Stone's cock at your infamous parties. That is just beyond evil, not to mention a severe violation of Miss Manner's etiquette. Rutger and Ray still to this day cry themselves to sleep reliving the horrible abuse you dished out to them. That's why Rutger's hand is now a DISGUSTING BLOODY STUMP. He was overwrought with grief for his mentally ill, alcoholic mother, so grief stricken that he couldn't pay attention at the slicing machine and got his fingers lopped off. You like to say it was Leonard Cohen's fault but it actually was your fault, Kelley, entirely your fault. I guess that's why Rapunzel's second cousin told everyone how you wanted to be fist fucked with

RUTGER'S BLOODY STUMP. Go to the stump, Kelley, go to the stump. And maybe you could coat it with LSD, for a long time your drug of choice, before he shoves it up your foul, diseased cooze and wipes off his BLOODY STUMP on your saggy, wrinkled tits. I'm sure you'll let out several howls and dozens of your infamously foul vaginal blood farts after he consummates the act. Alex The Rat and Libby The Lush would approve and so would Dorcas Dooglemeyer. Nor to mention Leonard Cohen and Phil Spector. Don't bother forwarding this email to the FBI, IRS, DOJ, ATF, FTB, LAPD, Vivienne, Dennis, Doug, Ann, Kelly, Robert, Michelle, Bruce, Anderson, or any of your other regulars. They blocked you long ago. Your emails to them go into the ether. Thank God you and your flea bitten attorney, Francisco the Fuckup Feeb, are too incompetent to file a proper legal motion. Criminal appeal denied. Writ denied. Motion to vacate the seven year old default judgment will soon be denied. Soon you will have your probation hearing and will be sent back to jail for a very long time. You could always commit suicide, Kelley. I think that would be your best option, actually. Do the world a favor, you drunken old hag.   

Your friend,
Simi The Seventeenth Shi-Tzu

On Tue, Nov 18, 2014 at 7:54 PM, Kelley Lynch <kelley.lynch.2010@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Gesar,


From: Helvetia Hornwaller <simitheseventeenthshitzu@gmx.at>
Date: Sat, Aug 31, 2013 at 1:44 AM
To: Kelley.lynch.2010@gmail.com
Kelley, you are diseased scum and the essence of evil. In another time you, like all alcoholic, drug addicted witches and whores, would have been burned at the stake for your horrible crimes and insanity. The best we can hope for now is that you are raped and murdered in jail after you are sent back shortly. Or maybe you will die of a brain tumor or lung cancer. However you die, it is important that you burn in Hell for all eternity. How you ever escaped jail for abuse of your children is a mystery. Not only did you abuse them emotionally and neglect their basic material needs, nutrition, and safety, but you abused them sexually too, and allowed your depraved Hollywood friends to abuse them sexually. Really Kelley, making Rutger and Ray snort coke off the head of Oliver Stone's cock at your infamous parties. That is just beyond evil, not to mention a severe violation of Miss Manner's etiquette. Rutger and Ray still to this day cry themselves to sleep reliving the horrible abuse you dished out to them. That's why Rutger's hand is now a

DISGUSTING BLOODY STUMP. He was overwrought with grief for his mentally ill, alcoholic mother, so grief stricken that he couldn't pay attention at the slicing machine and got his fingers lopped off. You like to say it was Leonard Cohen's fault but it actually was your fault, Kelley, entirely your fault. I guess that's why Rapunzel's second cousin told everyone how you wanted to be fist fucked with RUTGER'S BLOODY STUMP. Go to the stump, Kelley, go to the stump. And maybe you could coat it with LSD, for a long time your drug of choice, before he shoves it up your foul, diseased cooze and wipes off his BLOODY STUMP on your saggy, wrinkled tits. I'm sure you'll let out several howls and dozens of your infamously foul vaginal blood farts after he consummates the act. Alex The Rat and Libby The Lush would approve and so would Dorcas Dooglemeyer. Nor to mention Leonard Cohen and Phil Spector. Don't bother forwarding this email to the FBI, IRS, DOJ, ATF, FTB, LAPD, Vivienne, Dennis, Doug, Ann, Kelly, Robert, Michelle, Bruce, Anderson, or any of your other regulars. They blocked you long ago. Your emails to them go into the ether. Thank God you and your flea bitten attorney, Francisco the Fuckup Feeb, are too incompetent to file a proper legal motion. Criminal appeal denied. Writ denied. Motion to vacate the seven year old default judgment will soon be denied. Soon you will have your probation hearing and will be sent back to jail for a very long time. You could always commit suicide, Kelley. I think that would be your best option, actually. Do the world a favor, you drunken old hag.   

Your friend,
Simi The Seventeenth Shi-Tzu

On Tue, Nov 18, 2014 at 7:53 PM, Kelley Lynch <kelley.lynch.2010@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi CIA and FSB,

It's fairly "out there."  Ray's father would definitely condone this email.  Talk to anyone in my life.

All the best,

From: Helvetia Hornwaller <simitheseventeenthshitzu@gmx.at>
Date: Sat, Aug 31, 2013 at 1:44 AM
To: Kelley.lynch.2010@gmail.com
Kelley, you are diseased scum and the essence of evil. In another time you, like all alcoholic, drug addicted witches and whores, would have been burned at the stake for your horrible crimes and insanity. The best we can hope for now is that you are raped and murdered in jail after you are sent back shortly. Or maybe you will die of a brain tumor or lung cancer. However you die, it is important that you burn in Hell for all eternity. How you ever escaped jail for abuse of your children is a mystery. Not only did you abuse them emotionally and neglect their basic material needs, nutrition, and safety, but you abused them sexually too, and allowed your depraved Hollywood friends to abuse them sexually. Really Kelley, making Rutger and Ray snort coke off the head of Oliver Stone's cock at your infamous parties. That is just beyond evil, not to mention a severe violation of Miss Manner's etiquette. Rutger and Ray still to this day cry themselves to sleep reliving the horrible abuse you dished out to them. That's why Rutger's hand is now a

DISGUSTING BLOODY STUMP. He was overwrought with grief for his mentally ill, alcoholic mother, so grief stricken that he couldn't pay attention at the slicing machine and got his fingers lopped off. You like to say it was Leonard Cohen's fault but it actually was your fault, Kelley, entirely your fault. I guess that's why Rapunzel's second cousin told everyone how you wanted to be fist fucked with RUTGER'S BLOODY STUMP. Go to the stump, Kelley, go to the stump. And maybe you could coat it with LSD, for a long time your drug of choice, before he shoves it up your foul, diseased cooze and wipes off his BLOODY STUMP on your saggy, wrinkled tits. I'm sure you'll let out several howls and dozens of your infamously foul vaginal blood farts after he consummates the act. Alex The Rat and Libby The Lush would approve and so would Dorcas Dooglemeyer. Nor to mention Leonard Cohen and Phil Spector. Don't bother forwarding this email to the FBI, IRS, DOJ, ATF, FTB, LAPD, Vivienne, Dennis, Doug, Ann, Kelly, Robert, Michelle, Bruce, Anderson, or any of your other regulars. They blocked you long ago. Your emails to them go into the ether. Thank God you and your flea bitten attorney, Francisco the Fuckup Feeb, are too incompetent to file a proper legal motion. Criminal appeal denied. Writ denied. Motion to vacate the seven year old default judgment will soon be denied. Soon you will have your probation hearing and will be sent back to jail for a very long time. You could always commit suicide, Kelley. I think that would be your best option, actually. Do the world a favor, you drunken old hag.   

Your friend,
Simi The Seventeenth Shi-Tzu

On Tue, Nov 18, 2014 at 7:53 PM, Kelley Lynch <kelley.lynch.2010@gmail.com> wrote:


Ray's father probably approves this.  He approved the man sending this to me, targeting my sons, attempting to lure him privately online and via email.  How sick is that?  I've never seen Oliver Stone do drugs and never abused my son.  His father is a liar.  I am dealing with the mother lode of psychopaths.  That includes the criminals running LA Superior Court.

All the best,

From: Helvetia Hornwaller <simitheseventeenthshitzu@gmx.at>
Date: Sat, Aug 31, 2013 at 1:44 AM
To: Kelley.lynch.2010@gmail.com
Kelley, you are diseased scum and the essence of evil. In another time you, like all alcoholic, drug addicted witches and whores, would have been burned at the stake for your horrible crimes and insanity. The best we can hope for now is that you are raped and murdered in jail after you are sent back shortly. Or maybe you will die of a brain tumor or lung cancer. However you die, it is important that you burn in Hell for all eternity. How you ever escaped jail for abuse of your children is a mystery. Not only did you abuse them emotionally and neglect their basic material needs, nutrition, and safety, but you abused them sexually too, and allowed your depraved Hollywood friends to abuse them sexually. Really Kelley, making Rutger and Ray snort coke off the head of Oliver Stone's cock at your infamous parties. That is just beyond evil, not to mention a severe violation of Miss Manner's etiquette. Rutger and Ray still to this day cry themselves to sleep reliving the horrible abuse you dished out to them. That's why Rutger's hand is now a DISGUSTING BLOODY STUMP. He was overwrought with grief for his mentally ill, alcoholic mother, so grief stricken that he couldn't pay attention at the slicing machine and got his fingers lopped off. You like to say it was Leonard Cohen's fault but it actually was your fault, Kelley, entirely your fault. I guess that's why Rapunzel's second cousin told everyone how you wanted to be fist fucked with RUTGER'S BLOODY STUMP. Go to the stump, Kelley, go to the stump. And maybe you could coat it with LSD, for a long time your drug of choice, before he shoves it up your foul, diseased cooze and wipes off his BLOODY STUMP on your saggy, wrinkled tits. I'm sure you'll let out several howls and dozens of your infamously foul vaginal blood farts after he consummates the act. Alex The Rat and Libby The Lush would approve and so would Dorcas Dooglemeyer. Nor to mention Leonard Cohen and Phil Spector. Don't bother forwarding this email to the FBI, IRS, DOJ, ATF, FTB, LAPD, Vivienne, Dennis, Doug, Ann, Kelly, Robert, Michelle, Bruce, Anderson, or any of your other regulars. They blocked you long ago. Your emails to them go into the ether. Thank God you and your flea bitten attorney, Francisco the Fuckup Feeb, are too incompetent to file a proper legal motion. Criminal appeal denied. Writ denied. Motion to vacate the seven year old default judgment will soon be denied. Soon you will have your probation hearing and will be sent back to jail for a very long time. You could always commit suicide, Kelley. I think that would be your best option, actually. Do the world a favor, you drunken old hag.   

Your friend,
Simi The Seventeenth Shi-Tzu