Saturday, May 4, 2013

The Ongoing Criminal Harassment Of Kelley Lynch Over Leonard Cohen's Tax Fraud, Theft, As Well As Her Appeal, Oral Arguments, & Other Legal Issues

From: Kelley Lynch <>
Date: Sat, May 4, 2013 at 10:39 AM
Subject: Leonard Cohen's Tax Fraud & Cover Story
To: "*irs. commissioner" <*>, Washington Field <>, ASKDOJ <>, "Kelly.Sopko" <>, "Doug.Davis" <>, Dennis <>

Hello IRS Commissioner's Staff,
I continue to review the evidence I have (also provided to the IRS, Phil Spector, and others - including my attorney) with respect to Leonard Cohen's tax fraud and what actually unfolded.  It is an unconscionable mess.  A document that is very telling is the Statement of Claims for Damages in the Matter of Arbitration between Leonard Cohen and Neal Greenberg.  Cohen has come up with a fascinating and fictitious narrative to cover for his tax fraud, theft, fraud, etc.  Of course, the actual evidence tells a very different story and there are many witnesses the IRS could depose and call to the witness stand.  Why does the IRS think that Leonard Cohen's LOANS shouldn't have been listed as assets of TH?  He has obviously taken the position that he's the alter ego of these entities, who engaged in self-dealing, but why does he believe his loans aren't assets?  They were not accelerated payments?  He personally provided no loan documents securing his loans.  Kory wrote and asked if TH would forgive Cohen's loans.  Leonard Cohen has a sense of entitlement that is unreal.  His fraudulent refund - further defrauding the U.S. taxpayer - really drives this point home. 
I am curious to know what the IRS Commissioner's Staff thinks is going on with the City Attorney of Los Angeles and their attempts to sabotage me, the IRS, and the U.S. taxpayer over a celebrity fraud they had take the stand and testify about Phil Spector, a gun story (that was impeached by the email the prosecutor concealed from the jurors), while the DA's investigator sat in the courtroom, hung out with Cohen and his PI/lawyers, and lunched with them.  The entire situation is obscene.

And now, LA Superior Court has no record of my Writ having been filed?  They have spent approximately $1.9 billion updating their computer systems.  They could have bought their employees IPads.
The criminal harassment over my appeal, oral arguments, etc. continues and the IRS and continues tax fraud are at issue and will be raised on appeal.  I intend to litigate the fact that the appellate division refused to permit me to abandon this appeal further exposing me to dangerously unstable lunatics with motive - who have recently written that they are Spector prosecutor Alan Jackson.
All the best,

Cost of the effort to update and link court computers in all California counties has skyrocketed from $260 million to up to $1.9 billion, the report finds.