Kelley- your words could not ring more true. This insanity with my
criminal roommate has reached a breaking point. I have never in my life
felt so indignant than when I have had my integrity questioned, my
reputation maligned and my sanity attacked by baseless, insane rhetoric.
And this is on the smallest scale involving $700. It's a miracle you've
been able to deal with the utter bullshit (for lack of a better term)
on such a grand scale.
I honestly cannot imagine how you have kept your
sanity over the last decade in the face of the most depraved behavior
imaginable. I would lose it. Standing your ground in the face of the
most egregious injustices is one of the noblest things one can do. You
are a remarkable person and let us pray that some day these assholes
will receive their comeuppance. It is only a matter of time. Have faith
that some day all will be right- unfortunately for now we must adapt to
the whims of psychopaths. And it is unfathomably insane. No matter
what, you are always welcome to stay at my new place on Berkeley if you
need to.
Hope to see you soon, love you much,