Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Leonard Cohen's Charming Supporters - How Cohen's Operatives Work

Linda said...
Be sure and let us know when Lynch is arrested again. Maybe we can finally have that reunion when we sit in on her trial and watch her be convicted - again. That she still thinks anyone at any of her email targets is even remotely interested in any of her banal drivel speaks volumes about how much degeneration has gone on in her brain and ability to function in the real world. We can party all night when she's finally hauled off to prison for the long term...
March 20, 2013 at 9:34 PM
Gianelli is completely obsessed with me; writing letters to me in response to my letters to the IRS Commissioner's Staff, Washington Field Bureau of the FBI; Phil Spector's appellate attorney; my own attorney ... I don't care what these people are remotely interested in.  I am interested, at this point, re. Gianelli in one thing - the fact that he has now filed a fraudulent form 3949a wiith the IRS when he has no idea about my tax returns, tax payments, etc. but simply thinks it is appropriate to retaliate against me after relentlessly targeting me, my children, elderly parents, sister and her husband, and others, since 2009 when he alleges that he heard from Cohen's legal representatives.  He has also aligned himself with Cohen's fan, Susanne Walsh, who has also gone to extraordinary lengths to malign me on the internet.  These lunatics are not on my emails but they are truly stark raving luantics and the individual who contacted me today and noted that Gianelli is a psycho, vile and sick, really nailed it.  I haven't evaded taxes so I tend to doubt the IRS will haul me to prison but they might understand that Leonard Cohen is ultimately behind this activity.  It's very very obvious.  And then there's the LA City Attorney who attempted to help Cohen sabotage the IRS while lying about them in court.  Very very insane legal manuevering but who can explain away LA Confidential?  This crowd can party all night in the realm that best fits them - HELL.  Imagine the type of psychopath that would target a stranger, slander someone they don't know, lie to various federal agencies, and obsessively talk to themselves about things like Leonard Cohen's criminal tax fraud, an embarrassing prosecutor in Los Angeles; and other truly mind boggling insanity.