Kelley Lynch
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To: Dennis <>, "Francisco.A.Suarez" <>, *, Washington Field <>, "Kelly.Sopko" <>, ASKDOJ <>, "Doug.Davis" <>, rbyucaipa <>, Robert MacMillan <>, moseszzz <>, a <>, wennermedia <>, "Hoffman, Rand" <>, woodwardb <>, "glenn.greenwald" <>, lrohter <>, "hailey.branson" <>, "harriet.ryan" <>
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To the IRS and FBI,
Please see my notes in text of Jihad Gianelli and Sanneka's text. I have also attached a word document - because the red bold text (which are my responses) may not come through on this email. This man's obsession with me is frightening and he and Sanneka (who, I believe, is Walsh - Cohen's fan) appear dangerously unstable, as did Cohen lying through his teeth on the witness stand. All the best, Kelley |
REDACTED: The Treasury Agents advised me that the IRS Commissioner’s Staff, in Washington, are reading my emails and various individuals are handling various matters so Jihad Gianelli’s conclusions don’t add up. Obviously, Agent Sopko/Treasury felt that the Leonard Cohen tax allegations were warranted – hence the letter that Kory noted (to Agent Tejeda/IRS) in a letter discovered at trial that her email was a game changer and confirmed that Agent Tejeda/IRS clearly advised Kory that he must remain open to the allegations. Do they think my view are wacky? I wonder why Agent Tejeda/IRS responded to the subpoena and was meeting with IRS attorneys, offered to be part of future hearings or trials, and possibly assist with sentencing? Does Jihad Gianelli have an explanation for this? I will absolutely obtain the specific statements Agent Tejeda/IRS made to Nikhil Ramnaney, my lawyer who spoke to him on numerous occasions. It is not a “mere fact” that the IRS Commissioner’s Staff has been copied in on my emails since approximately 2005. Only a rotten lying lawyer would call that a “mere fact.” And, particularly, a lawyer with MOTIVE.
This fundamental point seems to elude Kelley Lynch, who routinely posits that the mere fact that the IRS is "copied in" means that that agency indorses (or is even listening to) her wacko views. (E.g., "I think we can assume that becuause the IRS is copied in here they view this situation as deadly serious.")
Therefore, as long as she lives she will be engaging in he same misconduct - at least in between jail stays and mental health committments.
This fundamental point seems to elude Kelley Lynch, who routinely posits that the mere fact that the IRS is "copied in" means that that agency indorses (or is even listening to) her wacko views. (E.g., "I think we can assume that becuause the IRS is copied in here they view this situation as deadly serious.")
Therefore, as long as she lives she will be engaging in he same misconduct - at least in between jail stays and mental health committments.
Is Jihad Gianelli saying I will be targeted by liars with motive for the rest of my life who will seek to put me in jail and commit me? That demands an investigation – particularly due to the role of Phil Spector’s prosecutor and the Los Angeles DA, Steve Cooley.
October 19, 2012 11:48 AM
Kelley Lynch also seems to have a hard time understanding, that when she e-mails all her spam victims, including IRS and FBI, asking them if they feel that she is spamming or harassing them, and do not get a reply, doesn't mean that she is not, it probably just mean that all mail from her is automaticlly and immidiately deleted
I was personally advised, by Treasury Agents, that the IRS Commissioner’s Staff is reading my emails and various individuals are handling various aspects. Therefore, the comment that they are my spam victims or I am harassing them is a bald faced lie. I have received replies – and that includes emails from the FBI. I have personally spoken with Agent Tejeeda/IRS, Doug Davis/FTB, and Rob Watts/State of Kentucky. And, since meeting with Agent Sopko/Treasury, I have spoken with her. I have also spoken with numerous FBI agents around the country and, as one pointed out, this activity is taking place all over the country. He is terribly observant. Walsh, who I believe is “sanneka” (and a fan of Leonard Cohen who targeted Phil Spector’s Facebook page – that included a friendship with Stan Garnett, DA of Boulder), cannot make the assertion that the IRS Commissioner’s Staff is automatically and immediately deleting my post. Furthermore, the FBI has written me numerous times and included excerpts from my emails so they are definitely not deleting them – automatically or immediately [sic]>
, she also did not think Bruce Cutler felt he was being harassed or spammed, but he clearly stated that he was and that in spite of KL's "Dear Bruce" and "Love Kelley" greetings,
I have never said what Cutler felt and his letter speaks for itself – including the dishonest assertion that I changed email addresses to evade him. My emails and blogs have been targeted and Michelle Blaine publicly thanked Stephen “Jihad” Gianelli for his involvement in that – and Sprocket has a poster on her site who has also noted that people targeted them. The three letters to Cutler, from Lynwood, were signed “All the best.” WOW! – I wrote “Dear Bruce.” I see I’m dealing with sycophants. Phil Spector is not a sycophant, however, and he will address the fact that Cutler also noted in his letter that I originally contacted him when he was representing Phil Spector. Cutler never mentioned how I signed my letters and that was not at issue. He also never requested a restraining order.
did not know her and had asked her to stop clogging his mailbox and phone answering service with her thousands of messages over several years. Yes, she admits now that she didn't know Mr. Cutler, but for a while she expressed some very explisite fantasies of sex and marriage with the man.
I never once expressed an “explisite” [sic} sexual fantasy about Bruce Cutler. Eminem, however, discussed “dry humping” in the lyric to PUKE and Pat Dixon then – according to Stephen “Jihad” Gianelli feared for his life over me. That’s quite sick. There’s a revenge fantasy, if ever I’ve heard one. The DA’s office seems to have quite a lot of revenge fantasies – including Captain Jack Horvath’s belief (a lie actually) that I contacted their office in 2007 when, in fact, the DA’s office rolled by my house in 2005 about Phil Spector and ultimately told me that I was probably a witness in the Phil Spector matter. Cooley and Jackson should go back and reread the letter I sent which Investigator William Frayeh hand delivered to them.
A perfect sign of a healthy and sober woman???
An obsessive fan of Leonard Cohen’s, who stalked me on the internet and publicly lies about me, is not healthy and I have no idea if she’s sober. I know this – Cohen has a long history (very public) of psychiatric ailments, drug and alcohol abuse, and lying. He also has a history of theft – see Machat & Machat and Phil Spector.
I think not.
Also, which normal,healthy,sober woman, will continously and consistently call another person "Jihad", as if this was actually his first name and this is not just with the "intend to annoy" the person in question
Also, which normal,healthy,sober woman, will continously and consistently call another person "Jihad", as if this was actually his first name and this is not just with the "intend to annoy" the person in question
I would continuously and consistently refer to Stephen Gianelli as “Jihad” Gianelli. The glove fits and the man is an absolute terrorist who I believe has “MOTIVE.” And not merely a misdemeanor “intent to annoy.”
, because she uses that term everytime she is slandering the person to the FBI, the IRS, different law-people, whom, with all respect, I really believe have absolutely no interest in Mr. Gianelli, in Mr. Cohen's drug or alcohol use or which of his work KL view as pornographic. The only one thas has been arrested, put on trial, sentenced and served time in prison is Kelley Lynch.
It is entirely possible that the IRS will arrest and prosecute Leonard Cohen and others. Yes, as people have noted, I was not represented and Cohen is a powerful and wealthy man (who the prosecutors used against Phil Spector) with lawyers and some type of political connections now – that might explain why the Deputy City Attorney was GUSHING into her cell phone about him, references to a “celebrity” being repeatedly made (which is NOT a legal basis for anything), and the fact that the DA’s investigator (who the bail judge asked to leave the court if he was a witness so I want to know if it was “Captain Jack Horvath” who simply lied to the court in his letter and that is a provable lie that Investigator Brian Bennett can personally impeach by telling the truth – that he came to my house in 2005 after the DA’s office received an anonymous tip about my friendship with Phil Spector. I didn’t serve time in prison. This matter is a misdemeanor and, after investigating it, a Lieutenant with the Sheriff’s Department advised me that he has never seen anything like this in his 26 years in law enforcement, doesn’t understand why it wasn’t a probation matter, understands the involvement of the IRS here, and informed me that he has no doubt that Cohen owes me millions. This Lieutenant, should therefore, be able to address the unconscionable sentence I received which is entirely malicious.
Leonard Cohen has stated, on the record, that I attempt to assail his reputation with allegations of drug abuse. And yet, news outlets like The Guardian and Montreal Gazette are noting that his nickname was “Captain Mandrax” at one point. What normal, sober individual has the nickname of a quualude? What normal and healthy/sober individual drops acid in Israel, is forced to cancel a concert, thinks God has sent a beam of light down as a symbol to him, and – according to Steven Machat – attempted to start a riot. What normal, healthy, sober Jew would take the stage in Germany and give the Sieg Hiel sign? What Buddhist would relentlessly target another individual? I could go on and on here. Perhaps the FBI, law enforcement, are interested in the facts about Leonard Cohen who came to this country and has – from what I witnessed – egregiously defrauded the U.S. government, perjures himself extensively in declarations and on the witness stand, and seems to be profoundly unstable. He actually testified that a Dallas FBI investigation into the Aryan Nation has an implied menace regarding him. Now the Dallas FBI knows the facts of this matter – including the man I met while homeless who feared for his life (over the uncle the FBI was investigating for murder, connections to meth labs, connections to the Aryan Nation, and might want to look into the stepmother and her connections to all of this and the Cartel) – so perhaps the FBI in Dallas knows that Cohen is a bald-faced liar and profoundly unstable individual who told me he wanted to die by firing squad (right down to having his last cigarette) after Mikal Gilmore/Rolling Stone interviewed him in the late 80s – and they discussed the fact that Mikal Gilmore’s brother was executed by firing squad.
October 20, 2012 8:57 AM
Kelley Lynch always misses the point.Karma never misses its mark, however. That’s factual and since I don’t control karma people shouldn’t rush to accuse me of making threats and that includes the man whose dog vomits or shits religious pujas onto his carpet.
The prosecutor never argued that Lynch claimed to know Bruce Cutler, but commented on the creepy and intimate manner in which Lynch addressed Mr. Cutler in her letters written from jail. 40 + pages of them, which were all signed "Love Kelley". The point is that this suggests that she has a screw loose.
Jihad Gianelli is lying. All three letters to Cutler (which should have been sent to Phil Spector and his attorneys, and I have communicated with Phil Spector – and heard from him, about this matter) were signed “All the best, Kelley.” I am sitting here looking at them so one person with an obvious screw loose (who is dangerously obsessed with me, aligned with Leonard Cohen, a “shady character” – per Investigator William Frayeh/DA’s Office, and someone who “may have found a sympathetic ear” with Spector prosecutor, Alan Jackson, about me. Sounds about right – see the DA investigator in the courtroom, Cohen’s testimony about Phil Spector and the alleged gun story (that contradicts the version the prosecutors used in Phil Spector’s trial and possibly to obtain the indictment since Mick Brown wrote that his “statements” were used although Brown originally wrote that Cohen testified), and the shameless and absurd attempt to obtain a restraining order against me – based on a satirical game my friends and I were playing where we would appoint our running mates, cabinet members, and so forth. My party was the “Wedding Party” and “Captain Jack Horvath” did not attach the original email in the thread (which is concealment), only attached 5 pages, and someone highlighted “Steven Machat” and a “fan of Alan Jackson’s” which is very sinister. Streeter has more than a screw loose and her lies are unbelievably extensive – as is the prosecutorial misconduct and error. In fact, I was told by three lawyers that judges can’t stand her because she doesn’t understand the law and I witnessed this with the bail judge who was absolutely annoyed and had to advise her how to enter Cohen’s “little” notebook into evidence and admonished her that he had just advised her of the steps to take.
And yes, she did post sexual fantasies and marriage fantasies about Cutler on her blog in 2009.
And yes, she did post sexual fantasies and marriage fantasies about Cutler on her blog in 2009.
These weren’t fantasies and Jihad Gianelli doesn’t know me, or my sense of humor, but it was actually meant for any sleazebag lawyer (like Gianelli) since they are like dogs when it comes to “sexual fantasies” – including Pat Dixon’s fears for his life over Eminem’s song “Puke” (according to Jihad Gianelli).
And yes, she wrote email after email and post after post sputtering that Blogonaut did not speak for Cutler and that Cutler did not find her multiple daily spam communications alarming or offensive.
And yes, she wrote email after email and post after post sputtering that Blogonaut did not speak for Cutler and that Cutler did not find her multiple daily spam communications alarming or offensive.
Cutler never mentioned Jihad Gianelli or Blogonaut. He did not say that Jihad Gianelli or Blogonaut speak for him and Cutler should personally be confronted (in a court of law) over his position – and Phil Spector should provide me an Affidavit that takes the position that he absolutely wanted his attorneys to know what was going on – particularly with a DA investigator in the courtroom, all the references to Cooley and Jackson, and Cohen’s now revised GUN story. Blogonaut doesn’t speak for Cutler and this situation has nothing to do with Jihad Gianelli/Blogonaut whose obsession with me and individuals close to me is quite creepy and frightening. Bruce Cutler never mentioned “spam” in his letter either. Blogonaut makes it up as he goes along.
She writes the same intimate letters to other public figures she does not know, including Dennis Riordan.
She writes the same intimate letters to other public figures she does not know, including Dennis Riordan.
Tell Bruce Cutler that my writing him about Steve Cooley, Alan Jackson, Leonard Cohen and the two gun stories, etc. is INTIMATE. No one knows what type of relationship – legal or otherwise – I have with Dennis Riordan, particularly Jihad Gianelli/Blogonaut who doesn’t know me. Leonard Cohen, however, testified that he saw Dennis Riordan copied in on one of my emails. That probably made him “paranoid.”
October 20, 2012 9:57 AM
"Proceedings in appellate courts are very different from those in trial courts. In trial courts, a judge or jury hears the testimony of witnesses, reviews physical evidence, exhibits and documents, and applies the law and reaches a decision. Appellate courts, on the other hand, do not decide an appeal by taking new evidence or reassessing the credibility of the witnesses who testified in the trial court. Rather, they review the written record to determine if the trial court properly interpreted the law and used the correct procedures when considering the case."
I think I’m clear about the appellate court. My lawyer’s clear that he needs all the facts and the totality of circumstances to properly review the record. Jihad Gianelli can stick to shabby lawyering and targeting people online. The jurors were advised to ignore the testimony of individuals who LIE. That instruction had to do with Cohen’s acknowledgement that he changed a story and perjured himself. Cohen should have been permitted to answer the final question in that series but the judge sustained the objection, on the record, and that should be addressed on appeal. The man had just acknowledged the perjury and this is relevant and it was a material fact – particularly as we are not (and never have been) in a “dating relationship.” Leonard Cohen should be prosecuted over the “perjury” in the bail hearing and Streeter also presented lies to the judge at the bail hearing – including with respect to the deranged story about a Hispanic male (gang member) who doesn’t exist.
Therefore, ANY appellant - and not just Kelley Lynch - is simply spinning his or her wheels by trying to gather additional evidence never presented during the trial which is not contained in the trial court record and then designated by the parties to the appeal as a part of the appellate record.
Therefore, ANY appellant - and not just Kelley Lynch - is simply spinning his or her wheels by trying to gather additional evidence never presented during the trial which is not contained in the trial court record and then designated by the parties to the appeal as a part of the appellate record.
I’m not trying to gather additional evidence never presented at trial. The Motion For A New Trial was rejected and, therefore, the appellate court should understand the types of issues Agent Tejeda/IRS could address – including Leonard Cohen’s transmittal of illegal (criminal) K-1s to the IRS with respect to LC Investments, LLC and me. Cohen’s declaration, and the corporate books, note that he is the 100% owner of that entity. The illegal K-1s also raise serious questions with respect to the “expense ledger” which in no way resembles an “accounting.”
Moreover, "affidavits" or declarations - written statements under oath - are never admissible EVEN IF presented during the trial, unless there is an applicable exception to the "hearsay rule".
California Evidence Code section 1200 says:REDACTED – it’s interesting to note that Jihad Gianelli (a lawyer in the Bay Area whom I do not know) is doing research on these issues now. It raises this question – who does he work for?
90% of the matters that Lynch is raving about in her prolific emails and blog posts about her appeal - e.g., My appellate attorney should get an affidavit from the IRS") are completely irrelevant to her pending appeal from her conviction and April 17,2012 jail sentence for violating a restraining order and also for leaving drunken, obscene, and threatening voice messages on Leonard Cohen's home answering machine, and may not even be considered by the Appellate Department of the Los Angeles County Superior Court.
Moreover, "affidavits" or declarations - written statements under oath - are never admissible EVEN IF presented during the trial, unless there is an applicable exception to the "hearsay rule".
California Evidence Code section 1200 says:REDACTED – it’s interesting to note that Jihad Gianelli (a lawyer in the Bay Area whom I do not know) is doing research on these issues now. It raises this question – who does he work for?
90% of the matters that Lynch is raving about in her prolific emails and blog posts about her appeal - e.g., My appellate attorney should get an affidavit from the IRS") are completely irrelevant to her pending appeal from her conviction and April 17,2012 jail sentence for violating a restraining order and also for leaving drunken, obscene, and threatening voice messages on Leonard Cohen's home answering machine, and may not even be considered by the Appellate Department of the Los Angeles County Superior Court.
My appellate attorney and I will discuss these issues – and ignore the insane rants of Jihad Gianelli – when it comes to the appeal and my future litigation. The Motion For A New Trial addresses the Affidavits from Agent Tejeda/IRS and Doug Davis/FTB – that was not granted so it should be addressed on appeal, obviously. Violating fraudulently obtained restraining orders – including the Cali order I wasn’t served. I wasn’t charged with leaving “drunken, obscene, and threatening voice messages on Leonard Cohen’s …” I was charged with an “intent to annoy” which is almost laughable given the facts of the matter – including the fact that Detective Viramontes/LAPD has now contacted Agent Tejeda/IRS. Who is Jihad Gianelli writing these posts for? Leonard Cohen and Alan Jackson?
Indeed, any attempt by her attorney to reference any matters outside the trial court record - including hearsay affidavits from anyone - would torpedo any slim chances she might have had to win a reversal.
Indeed, any attempt by her attorney to reference any matters outside the trial court record - including hearsay affidavits from anyone - would torpedo any slim chances she might have had to win a reversal.
The arrogance is astounding.
Moreover, her emails and bog posts demonstrating utter contempt for the trial judge, the prosecutor, the probation orders, and the process, and her continuing obsession with the victim in the case are accomplishing nothing more than maximizing her chances of a revocation of probation and more jail time being added.
Moreover, her emails and bog posts demonstrating utter contempt for the trial judge, the prosecutor, the probation orders, and the process, and her continuing obsession with the victim in the case are accomplishing nothing more than maximizing her chances of a revocation of probation and more jail time being added.
Actually, I haven’t said how I actually feel about the trial judge. I have utter contempt for the lying prosecutor (GUSHING into her cell phone about celebrity Leonard Cohen) and have filed a complaint with her supervisor and will also file a complaint with the State Bar. I have no obsession with Cohen and he’s no victim unless you consider his disdain for ordinary taxation victimizing. Canada’s National Treasure cannot live in Canada due to his residence and tax issues. A Motion is being filed with the court at the next hearing. I tend to doubt “summary probation” (which is non reporting) would lead to more jail time particularly as I have freedom of speech and am entitled to my opinions although I will note for my attorneys that there are public statements about possible retaliation.
And if Lynch was trying to paint a portrait of a desturbed mind needing psychiatric care, in that she is succeeding. There are times when silence is golden, and this is one of them.
And if Lynch was trying to paint a portrait of a desturbed mind needing psychiatric care, in that she is succeeding. There are times when silence is golden, and this is one of them.
Back to the issue of attempting to “silence” me.
October 21, 2012 9:12 AM
Kelley Lynch is now alleging in emails to the IRS, and to many others, that "people are saying" that her trial judge is "on the take". What an idiot.
Well, I haven’t said this – and have noted that I have no idea – but this is the conclusion people are drawing so that’s the judge’s problem, NOT mine. The IRS Commissioner’s Staff should depose the judge and City Attorney to determine what extraordinary methods they feel must be used to obtain a 1099, have three illegal K-1s rescinded, to obtain tax, financial, and accounting information – in order to file my 2004 and 2005 federal and state tax returns AND to amend any returns that Cohen’s fraudulent lawsuit illegally altered via a default. Doug Davis/FTB and I have personally discussed this issue. He was curious to know if the default altered my state returns. I believe that is probable since I received K-1s, etc., with respect to Traditional Holdings, LLC. I also wanted Agent Tejeda/IRS to address this pesky detail: If I didn’t own TH then why did I pay approximately $165,000 in taxes on that entity? Does Cohen think I was doing volunteer charity work? Doug Davis/FTB didn’t think I did volunteer work on “Dear Heather.”
October 22, 2012 10:59 AM
Blogonaut Law Blog